• Chapter 1 •

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"Wake up Jess." "Common Jess, wake up, we landed like 10 minutes ago."

I fluttered my eyes open and saw Jack standing right above me, shaking me to wake up. I stood up, stretched and grabbed my carry on.

Jack and I were currently in New York for a MagCon convention.

Jack and I got off the airplane and went to claim our luggage.

I grabbed both of my suitcases and Jack did the same. We both looked around and saw a man holding a sign that said "Johnsons" on it. We walked to the man. He was pretty good looking, probably in his early 20's.

"Are you Jack and Jessica Johnson?" The man greeted. "That's us." Jack smiled. The man smiled and grabbed our bags and led us to the limo.

About 25 minutes later we arrive to the hotel where we will be staying.

Jack and I both walked into the hotel and we saw all the guys and Mahogany sitting around laughing in the lobby.

"Jess!" Mahogany yelled as she saw me walk in. She ran over to me and gave me a big hug. "Haha missed you too Lox." I laughed returning the hug.

I pulled away and smiled at her. "Alright, alright move aside Lox. It's my turn to hug my best friend." I spun around and saw Matthew standing there grinning at me. "Matthew!" I yelled and tackled him to the ground and hugged him.

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but Matthew, did you just say 'your best friend?'" Taylor sassed.

Matthew stood up and looked at Taylor. "Now now, you know your my one and only." He joked. Taylor looked down and smiled. "You really mean that?" He smirked trying to hold back his laughter. "You know I love you babe. Now hug me brother!" Matthew yelled quoting Drake and Josh. He then ran up to Taylor and jumped in his arm.

All of us started laughing and taking pictures of them together. They were both smiling and posing in different ways.

Gosh I really did miss all of them. It's been about 6 months since I last saw all of them. I've been so caught up in spending as much time with Colton as I could I just forgot about my other friends. I mean, Colton needs me. And I need him. Colton thought it was a good idea for me to come to an event to get away from things.

Bart, the manager of MagCon came over to us and said "Everyone sit down. We have to figure out our rooming situations. Jack and Jack you'll be together. Matthew and Taylor you'll have a room. Cameron and Nash you'll be together. And Mahogany and Jessica you'll share a room." He looked up from his clipboard and smiled. "Is everyone okay with the rooming situations?" We all nodded and Bart gave us all the keys to our room.

All of us went up to our room and unpacked.

"So I heard about Colton.." Lox trailed off. "I'm really sorry, I know how close you are to him." "Don't talk about him like that. He's not dead!" I yelled. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

"I'm sorry Jess, I didn't mean it like that. I was just trying to say I'm sorry for what both of you are going through." Lox soothed.

I sighed and opened the door. I crashed into her and gave her a hug. "I'm sorry I got mad. It's just people talk like he's dead. He's not dead. He's gonna overcome this. I know it. He'll be fine and things will go back to the way they used to be." I reassured.

*knock knock*

I walked over to the door and opened it. It was Nash. "Hey Nash." I smiled. "What's the matter?" He worried and closed the door behind him. "Nothing. In fine." I smiled. He pulled me into a hug and said "I know you to well shortcake, what's wrong?" "We were just talking about Colton and I got a little emotional." I looked down.

"He'll be okay Jess. I promise." I smiled. "Thanks Nash." "So why did you come over?" I asked.

"Just wanted to see if you guys wanted to go out for ice cream with me and the guys?" He asked.

"Sure. Just let me change and we'll be over in a few." I smiled.

"Alright. Come over when your ready." Nash smiled then left.

I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom to get ready.

I changed into a pair of denim shorts and a cream short sleeve shirt that flowed out around my stomach. I threw on a pair of cream Toms and braided my hair. I fixed my make up and brushed my teeth.

I set my bag by my bed and looked over at Lox, she was currently on her phone waiting to leave. "Alright Lox lets go." I said.

She got up and we both walked over to Cameron and Nash's room.

"Ready guys?" I asked. "Yup. Let's go" Matthew said.

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