• Chapter 2 •

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Once we arrived at the Ice Cream parlor we all took a seat.

"Alright so what does everyone want?" Matthew asked standing up.

"Vanilla" "Chocolate" "Mint" "Cookie Dough" "Superman" we're all shouted at Matthew.

"I'll get one of everything." He laughed. Matthew always had a contagious laugh. His laugh was cute and high pitched. I loved it.

About 10 minutes later Matthew came back with our Ice Cream. We all yelled a 'Thank You' to Matt and devoured our ice cream. I got the Superman Ice Cream. Uh it was so good.

About 15 minutes later we all started walking back to the hotel. As we were walking across the street Taylor started running and gave the stop sign a high-5.

We all were laughing and ran to catch up with him.

We all went to Cameron and Nash's room and sat around in a circle.

"So what should we do know?" Lox asked. "I think we should let Jess decided since this is her first M&G she's been to." Cameron said.

"Yeah. So what do you wanna do sis?" JJ asked me.

Everyone's eyes were on me. I tucked my knees into my chest and spoke up. "Uh why don't we just go to the pool?" I asked.

They all agreed and we all went to our rooms to get changed.

Lox went into the bathroom to change and I stayed in the room to change. I put on my pink and black bikini and a see through black tank top and a pair of shorts. I threw my hair up in a ponytail and grabbed my bag. I threw in my towel, phone, sunscreen and sunglasses.

A few minutes later Lox came out of the bathroom wearing a black strapless bikini top with a black bow on the side and a pair of high waisted shorts. I was always jealous of her body. She is perfectly skinny and can work anything. She is just flawless.

"Ready?" She asked. "Uh yeah." I smiled. We both grabbed our bags and went down to the pool. The boys were all already there in the pool. I set my bag down, took my shirt and shorts off and placed my glasses on my nose and sprayed myself with sunscreen. I laid down on the chair and closed my eyes.

About 10 minutes later I felt water dripping down in my stomach. I removed my glasses and I looked up to see a smirking Matt.

"Hey what's up Ma-" I was interrupted by Matt picking me up, and running over to the pool. "No no no no no no no! Matt out me down!" I squirmed and tried to get out of his grasp.

"Not happening babe. I would hold your breath." He smirked.

He ran to the edge of the pool and jumped in. Water surrounded me. I kicked my way to the top. "God damn you Matthew Lee Espinosa." I giggled.

Everyone started laughing. "So what should we do now?" Nash asked.

"Hmmm, I don't know?" Lox replied. "Wanna go to the waterpark inside?" I asked.
"Yeah!" They all yelled.

Everyone ran inside and grabbed a tube to go down the waterslide.

Jack and Jack went together, Mahogany and Nash went together, Matthew and Taylor went together and Cameron and I went together.

Everyone else went down and Cameron and I were the last ones to go. Cameron was sitting behind me with his arms around me. I screeched on the way down and Cameron just laughed and held my hand.

Once we hit the bottom we saw everyone just running up the stairs to go down the slide again.

Cam and I just decided to go on the lazy river instead. And we were going around I way laying in his lap and his arms were wrapped around me. It was comforting. I never thought of Cameron as more than a friend. But something about seeing him this time changed my whole thought on him.

I looked up and him and admired his perfect features. His damp hair dripping down, his soft brown eyes looking forward, his strong jaw line slightly clenched. And who could forget his rock hard abs and arms.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you it's rude to stare?" Cameron smirked. My mouth dropped and I whacked him in the chest.

"If you wanna kiss me, just kiss me already." Cameron joked. "Shut up Cameron I will hurt you." I half joked.

About 5 minutes later all the boys and Lox caught up to us. "There you guys are!" Lox yelled. "We were wondering where you went!" JJ said.

JJ has never been overprotective. I mean he's protective but not overprotective. He trusts me.

I looked over at Matt and his eyes were locked on mine and Cameron's hands. Nash's eyes wondered to our hands as well. "Oooh boy! Get some!" Nash yelled to Cameron and gave him a high-5. Matthew cringed and looked away.

"So did anything happen while we were gone?" Nash smirked. "Shut up Nash!" I said.

"Wanna go down the slide again?" I asked Cameron. "Sure."

Once we all got to the top of the slide Cameron and I go to go first cause we went last the time before. After we went down we ran off to hide from the rest of them.

We ran around the corner and sat down. "How long are we gonna hide?" I asked. "Till they find us." He shrugged. We both ran off to hide from them.

About 10 minutes later Cameron and I were running away trying to hide, they were getting close to us.

We both slowly walked around the corner and at the end was Taylor. Cameron pulled me back and gently pushed me against the wall. With his hands on either side of me.

"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered. "Shhh. Taylor's on the other end of the hall." He whispered.

It seemed like he just noticed the lack of space between us. He quickly took a step back. "Sorry." He whispered.

I didn't really know what I was doing, I just pulled him towards me and kissed him. He was seriously caught off guard. But quickly he pulled me closer and kissed me harder. He pushed me against the wall yet again and rested his hands on my hips. His lips were unbelievably soft. He licked the bottom of my lip asking for my permission. I accepted. The kiss continued and strengthened. Cameron's waist was pressed against me, grinding on me.

We quickly pulled away once we heard someone clear there throat. "Taylor!" I yelled. "What you guys do on your own time is none of my business." He started walking away.

I ran after him and stopped him, "Taylor.." I took a breath. "You cannot tell anyone what you just saw. You have to promise me you won't." I pleaded. "Okay. Okay I won't tell anyone. I promise." He sighed. I let out a big breath then smiled. "Thank you Taylor." I leaned in and gave him a hug.

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