• Chapter 18 •

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"What's wrong babe?" Cody asked grabbing my hand.

"Listen, so uh, uhm, well here's the thing-" I stuttered. "Just spit it out baby." He laughed.

"Cody, you're a great guy and I really care about you-" I started. "-but you think we should see other people?" He asked finishing my sentence.

"How did you know?" I asked instantly feeling terrible.

"Jess, I'm not stupid." He said smiling slightly.

"Cody I'm not gonna say I love you, but I do care a lot about you and I really do want to stay friends." I said gripping his hand tighter.

"You're a great girl Jess, and whoever you've fell for is the luckiest guy in the world." Cody smiled. "I really did enjoy being able to call you my girlfriend for the past month. You wouldn't believe how many people I bragged to about being able to call you mine." He chuckled.

I sighed, but that followed off with a laugh. "You've decided to not make this easy on me have you?" I giggled.

He chuckled. "I'm gonna miss having you as my girl." Cody sighed.

Cody threw three ten dollar bills on the table and stood up. I followed right behind him.

He pulled me into a big warm hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and placed my head on his chest.

His shirt always smelt good. His polo cologne was strong but not too strong.

"Are you smelling my shirt Jess?" He asked while laughing. I could feel my cheeks heat up, I didn't blush often but in this case it made sense why.

"Maybe." I said smiling into his chest. "You're adorable." Cody said placing his chin on my head.

"I should probably go." I sighed. "I don't want to let go." Cody said grasping me tighter.

I laughed. "Well, we both should go, you're the one who drove me." "Oh yeah." He chuckled.

We both pulled away and started walking towards the door.


We pulled up to my apartment and sat there. "I'm gonna miss you Jess." "Me too Cody."

"Can I have one last kiss?" He said blushing.

"Only since you blushed when you said that." I giggled. "I didn't blush!" He exclaimed looking into the mirror. "Oh.." He whispered.

I laughed and leaned into him kissing his lips. Cody placed his hands on either side of my cheeks and pulled me a little bit closer.

We both pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Maybe one last hug?" He smirked. "Cody we can still hug when we're friends." I giggled.

"Please Jess." He sighed. "Fine." I smiled.

We both leaned back in and embraced each other. We both sat there holding each other for multiple minutes. "I should probably go inside." I sighed.

Cody pulled away and kissed both of my cheeks. "I really really really really really really like you Jess." He chuckled. "I think I'm picking up what you're putting down Cody, and I feel the same way." I smiled.

"Then stay with me Jess, don't go to someone else, just stay with me-" he was interrupted by the radio switching songs to the song 'Stay With Me'.

We both laughed a bit. "Just listen to the song Jess, stay with me." He smiled. "Please don't make this even more difficult then it already is." I laughed.

"I'll call you later Cody." I sighed. "And I'll answer." He smirked. "You're a dork." I giggled.

"Goodbye Jess."

"Goodbye Cody."


This was a really really really really really short chapter! But it's better than nothing! Haha. Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Even though there wasn't much of Jess and Cody, I thought they were cute. There ship name could have been Jody 😂 But that's all for now!


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