• Chapter 12 •

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| 2 weeks later |

"I'm so sorry Jess. I never should have kissed you and got angry at you. You have the right to be made at me. I don't regret what I did. I regret not making you my girlfriend for so long. You mean so much to me. The past 2 weeks have been horrible. Each day I thought I was dying even more. Once I got let out of the hospital I wanted to go straight to you apartment, but I knew I couldn't, but when you walked in here today, my whole world lite up. I may not get to have you as my girlfriend right now, but someday I will get my chance. At least I'm the only one you can call your best friend. I love you Jess. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

After 2 weeks of not having any contact with Colton or his family, I started to worry. What if he died and I didn't get informed. I hope that wouldn't have happened.

I continued to worry and finally Matt told me to stop worrying and just go over there and cheek on him.

I finally agreed and went over to his house. I knocked on the door and that's when Colton opened it and gave me his speech.

My eyes started to tear up. I launched myself at him and pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry too Colton. I've missed you so much. I'm so happy your okay." I cried into his shoulder.

"Jess darling! Your here!" Lindsey, Colton's mom took me away from Colton and grasped me into her own hug. I laughed. "I sure am." I replied.

"Would you like to stay for lunch dear?" Lindsey asked. "Mrs. Miller I'd love to, but I have a lunch date in about 2 hours. Maybe we can all have lunch, maybe tomorrow?" I asked.

"Tomorrow would be great. I'll have Colton text you when to come over." Lindsey smiled brightly. "Okay mom. That's enough. I'm pretty sure she came here for me, not to make lunch dates with you." Colton laughed.

Lindsey laughed at his comment, shook her head and walked back into the kitchen.

I slung my arm around Colton's shoulder and walked with him towards his room. "So how's my little CareBear doing?" I giggled.

He shot me a glare. He hates when I call him CareBear. Therefore I always called him that.

Once we got into his room we both sat down on the beanbag chairs and Colton turned on his Xbox.

We ended up playing a basketball game for an hour. I took my mic off and looked at my phone.

"Shit. I got to go Colton. I have a lunch date in an hour. I'll see you tomorrow okay?" I rushed.

"Okay." He said as he got up, gave me a hug goodbye and a kiss on my forehead. I smiled at him and quickly walked down the stairs.

I yelled a quick goodbye to Lindsey and ran out the door.

By the time I got home it was 1:45 and Matt was picking me up at 2.

I quickly ran into my apartment and saw Sammy, Jack and Jack sitting on the couch watching Criminal Minds.

"Woah woah what's the rush sweetcheeks?" Sammy slurred. I rolled my eyes and ran into my room.

I can always tell when Sammy is stoned. He flirts with everyone. He even flirted with my 14 year old cousin Jason. I haven't see Jason in 2 years.

I shook those thought out of my head and changed into a blue cotton short sleeve shirt and tucked it into my floral skirt that flowed out to my mid thighs. Then I slipped on a pair of my brown wedges. 

I walked into the bathroom and let my already curled hair out of my ponytail. I fluffed up my hair and heard a knock at the door.

I quickly grabbed my purse and swiftly ran to the door. I opened the door up to reveal a smiling Matt.

He was dressed in a blue floral printed short sleeve shirt, a pair of red khaki shorts and blue vans. 

"You look stunning Jess." He said leaning in placing a small kiss on my lips.

"You look great as always Mr. Espinosa." I smiled.

"Shall we." Matt said putting his hand out for me to take. I grabbed his hand and closed the door behind me.

Its been awhile since I've spent some time with all the MagCon boys. I haven't talked to Cameron since the little incident in the hospital, but I have been talking to the other boys. I just haven't seen them.

Jack and Jack decided not to continue the tour. They have recently been writing more songs and working on there career together.

"Jess. Are you gonna get in the car? Or do you prefer walking?" Matt chuckled.

"Sorry I was just..thinking." I giggled. I stepped into the car, Matt closed the door behind me and got into the drivers seat.

After 25 minutes of driving Matt and I finally arrived at a small diner. We walked in hand and hand and took a seat by the window.

After 10 minutes of looking at the menu a guy around the age 14 came up to us and took our order.

He took Matt's first. Rude. Then he looked over at me and sent a smirk my way. "And for the lovely lady." He said trying to be slick.

"She'll have the chicken salad and a side of fruit with a sprite. Thanks." Matt hissed.

"I think the lady can order for herself." The boy said glaring at Matt. "I think my girlfriend is fine with me ordering for her. I know she likes don't worry bud." Matt glared back.

The boy scoffed and started walking away. "Oh wait. Waiter." Matt signaled him back.

"Yes? Is there a problem?" The boy said with annoyance all over his voice and attitude.

"You might want to inform your mother that you are here. She might be worried." Matt smirked.

He scoffed once again and walked off.

"Matt! That was so rude!" I scowled. "Just trying to show him that your mine and that's all." He said leaning over the table and kissing me slightly.


Got a lil bit of Colton and Jess time as well as Matt and Jess time. Hope y'all enjoyed. Update will be up either Monday or Tuesday 👐

Have an excellent weekend.

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Thanks loves ❤️

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