• Chapter 20 the End •

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*** 2 years later ***

I gave Matt a small kiss goodbye and walked out I to the garage. I closed my car door and pulled out.

About a year ago I moved out of the apartment I shared with Jack and Jack. Matt and I decided to buy a small, cozy house together in Omaha.

Throughout theses two years Matt and I bought a house, we both graduated from high school and we were both attending a near by college.

About three weeks ago we got a baby German Shepard. After days of arguing Matt finally agreed on naming her Brownie. I don't know why I wanted that name so bad, but in my defense I was very moody and emotional- only us girls would understand.

Anyways, I was currently on my way to Colton's house. I haven't seen him in two months and I was going insane not seeing my best friend.

I also have some news to tell him.

I finally pulled into Colton's new house.

Did I forget to mention Colton is cancer free? Because he is. He's 100% healthy and doing amazingly well.

I grabbed my bag and got out of my car.

Once I got up to the front door Colton had already opened it.

"Hey Jess!" He exclaimed pulling me into a hug. "It's been forever!" He yelled.

"Way to long that's for sure." I replied hugging him back.

We both walked inside and went towards the kitchen. "Are you hungry? I was just about to order a pizza." He asked.

"I'm down for pizza." I smiled. Colton grabbed his phone and ordered the pizza. "They said they'd be here in about 30 minutes." He said.

*** 1 hour later ***

I took my mic off of my head and looked over at Colton. "You know whenever we hang out we basically eat pizza and play MBA." I laughed.

"Well what do you want to do?" He chuckled. "Wanna go to the mall?" I asked.

He groaned. "I'm not gonna be your shopping bag holder Jess."

"I didn't mean we were gonna go shopping dummy, I meant we could just walk and look around." I playfully hit him in the arm.

"You know you really need to stop "playfully" hitting me in the arm." He cringed rubbing his arm.

"Whatever, let's go." I smiled. We both grabbed are stuff and I made my way over to my car. "What are you doing?" Colton asked.


I have him a strange look. "What?" I asked. "Oh no no no no no, you're not driving, I am." He said.

"Uh yeah right. I'm driving." I replied. He rolled his eyes. "Fine." He hopped into the passenger seat while I got in the drivers seat and pulled out.

It took about 35 minutes to get to the mall. The whole ride consisted of Colton and I jamming out to whatever song came on the radio.

Colton went a little over bored and stuck his waist and above out the window. I had to pull over and pull him by the shirt back in.


Once we found a spot to park we grabbed each others hand and skipped our way into the mall.

The amazing thing about being friends with Colton so long is that it doesn't feel awkward holding his hand or hugging him, and we both now understand that we're just friends. Colton finally gets that's. Which I'm glad he does. I don't even want to loose him as a friend, he's way to important.

We continued walking around until we came across the clothing store Zumiez. It's one of my favorite stores. "Colton can we please please please go in Zumiez?" I asked eagerly.

He rolled his eyes playfully and smiled. "I guess."

I grabbed his hand and basically dragged him into the store.

"Calm down Jess!" He chuckled.

We went our separate ways in the store and looked around.

About 10 minutes later Colton came walking back over to me holding a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. 

"So how are you and you little boyfriend doing?" Colton laughed. "We're doing good." I smiled.

"We actually just got a baby German Shepard." "Oh really? What did you name it?" Colton asked.

"After a bunch of fights Matt finally agreed on naming her Brownie." I laughed.

"B-brownie?" He asked. "I know it's kind of strange, but in my defense I was on Shark Week." I shrugged.

"Yeah you didn't need to tell me that." Colton said making a disgusted face.

I laughed. "Are you guys still thinking about having a baby?" Colton asked.

"Yeah, we've had a few discussions about it, but I still think we're a little young. I'm only 20." I defended.

"Almost 21 though." He smiled. I returned one. "Well yeah, but still. We both agreed on waiting a little bit."

"That's a good idea." He nodded. "I know I've asked many times, but Matt is good with us being friends right?" He asked nervously.

I laughed. "He understand Colton. I told him it was a mistake and it won't happen again. He trusts us." I smiled. "That's good."

After checking out we both decided to just walk around a little bit.

"Oh and Colton?" He looked over at me and waiting for me to continue.

"Matt isn't just my boyfriend, he's my fiancé."



TBH I really didn't like this book, but I'm in the process of writing a new book. It won't be up for a little bit bc this time it's gonna be good and I'm gonna actually work on it and really think when I write!

Hope everyone enjoyed this (shitty ass) book!


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