• Chapter 17 •

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*** 2 months later ***

I was let out of the hospital two weeks after the issue with Matt. Once we got back home, Jack and Jack both would never leave my sight.

Yesterday all the boys came over- even Cameron.

He explained how he was sorry for "slapping" me, and he was only jealous.

Cameron and Nash both bought an apartment together just above us.

You know who else bought and apartment- I bet you can't guess.

I'll give you a minute.

- It was Matthew.

I've also started seeing Cody, Cody Larson from the M&G about four or five months ago.

He's really sweet and will not leave me for one god damn mistake.

We've been hanging out almost ever day and JJ and Gilinsky really like him so it's all good.

"Jess? Jess? You okay?" Cody said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just thinking about something." I shrugged. "What were you thinking about?" Cody asked grabbing my hand.

"Nothing important." I smiled. The waiter then came over and placed our food on our table.

Cody ordered a hamburger and French fries and I ordered the macaroni and cheese with some fruit on the side.

I was about to take a bite of my lunch but was interrupted by someone calling my name.

I looked up and saw Matt standing next to Cody and I's table.

"What are you doing here Matthew? I'm on a date with my boyfriend at the moment." I scowled.

I saw him wince at my words. "I- uh, I was wondering if I could talk to you- alone?" He stuttered.

"Like I said earlier Matthew, I'm on a date." I said taking a bite of my food.

"It will only take a minute Jess." He pleaded. "I've told you a million times Matthew, it's Jessica." I scowled once again.

He sighed. "Please Jessica. It will be quick."

I looked over at Cody and he smiled at me. "Go ahead Jess, I'll be fine." Cody smiled.

I sighed, took my napkin off my lap, stood up and followed Matt outside.

"Matthew I really don't have time-" Matt had smashed his lips on mine.

I shoved him away and crossed my arms. "What the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled.

"That's kind of how we used to communicate." He smiled.

"Do you heard the key words in there Matt? I'll tell you because you're too stupid to understand, the key words are used to. We used to communicate like that, but not anymore." I yelled at him.

"I don't understand Jess." He said shaking his head.

"Jessica! It's fucking Jessica!" I yelled. "How can you not understand! We broke up Matthew! As in over. You left me. You moved out. You dated another girl. This is all your fault, and then I move on and date someone else, and you have the audacity to come over and want to talk to me. Oh and how could I forget how you fucking kissed me when I'm dating someone else!" I yelled stomping my feet.

"Jess- Jessica, I never knew what I had till I lost it, I've tried moving on, but my mind always drifts off to you." Matt said reaching for my hand.

I pulled my hand away from him. "Do you remember how angry you were when you found out someone kissed me? If I recall correctly, you left me. I would be devastated if Cody left me- and it would be all your fault. You can't leave me, then when I move on, you want me back, how is that fair?" I yelled not bothering to keep my tears in my eyes.

I was never fond of crying in front of people, but sometimes I just needed to.

Matthew was standing there wordless. "Matt, I thought you cared about me, how could you hurt me this much?" I asked honestly.

"You weren't the only one effected by my choice Jessica. I still love you Jess." He said as his eyes started to water. Matthew Espinosa was crying.

I just seemed to realize what he had said.

"You what?" I asked.

"I love you Jessica Johnson. I was too stupid to realize it, but I love you, I love you so much. I was so taken away when you told me I didn't know what to say. I messed up. I messed up so damn much. I walked out on the girl of my dreams, the girl of every guys dreams- the love of my life. Seeing you with someone else is torture." He cried out.

As mad as I am at him, my eyes softened. It hurts seeing the man you love cry.

I still love Matt, I always will. Cody is a great guy, but I'll always love Matt.

"Please say something Jessica." He sniffled.

I took a breath and wrapped my arms around Matt's waist.

"It's Jess." I said into his chest.

"I love you Jess." He said hugging me back.

"I love you too Matt."

"What about that Cody kid?" Matt asked.

"It's not fair for me to be with him. Especially when I love someone else. He deserves someone who will love him back, and I don't feel that way about him. I feel that way about you." I said.

Matt nodded. "I'll call you later Matt, I have to talk to Cody." I said waving goodbye.

I walked back into the diner and saw Cody playing with his food with his fork.

I slid back down in my seat and his eyes shot up at me. "Everything okay babe?" He asked. I sighed.

"Cody I have to talk to you about something."


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'll update sooner next time.


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