• Chapter 10 •

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I hopped out of the shower and wrapped my towel around my body and another one around my hair.

I walked back into my room and walked over to my closet. Matt never told me what kind of date we were going on.

After 15 minutes of struggling I finally came up with something, it was kind of on the fancy side, but it should be fine.

I threw on a maroon tight fitting dress shirt that flowed out at the top of my belly button. The back was all lace and the front had a sweetheart neck line.

I slipped on a black pencil skirt that came to my mid thighs and I put on my red and black bracelets and matching necklace.

I went back into the bathroom and started on my hair. I blow dried my hair then started to curl it.

About 25 minutes later I had light bouncy curls loosely falling on my back.

Now time for makeup. I leaned closer to the mirror and applied a small amount of mascara, eyeliner and nude lipstick.

It was now 5:55 and Matt was going to pick me up at 6. I grabbed my black purse and threw in my needed essentials.

I slipped on my black open toed stilettos ankle strappy heals. I closed my bedroom door and made my way to the kitchen to grab a drink.

Just as I grabbed my water and closed the refrigerator, there was a knock at the door.

I slowly but surely made my way to the door and opened it to see a nicely dressed Matt holding about a dozen purple lilacs.

His mouth was slightly parted, he said no words, just sat there looking at me.

"What?" I giggled. "You- you're just so- beautiful." He said in awe-struck. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and looked down. I could feel my cheeks heat up.

He took a step towards me and generally place a kiss on my cheek.

Matt handed me the flowers. I took them and put them in a vase.

He reached out for my hand, I gladly took it. "We should go, we have reservations." He smiled.

I nodded and we both walked out of my apartment.

Once we got down to the lobby, we walked over to Matt's car. He opened the door for me and helped me in.

Once I was in he made his way around to the drivers seat.

He pulled out of the parking lot and started driving away. His hand latched onto mine and his eyes were focused on the road

Matt's POV

Once I got back to my hotel I decided to jump in the shower right away. I turned the water on and stepped in.

About 20 minutes later I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to the dresser to find something to wear.

I slipped on a pair nice dark denim jeans and wrap a black belt around my waist. I pulled on a nice white dress shirt and button it up, leaving 2 buttons undone. I roll up my sleeve just below my elbow. Once I'm done with my shirt I walk over to my suitcase to find a pair of brand new black Adidas shoes. I slipped them on and walked back to the bathroom.

Once I get in there. I run my hands threw my hair. I gave it the messy affect, but it's still presentable.

I brushed my teeth one more time and sprayed some Polo cologne over myself.

I grabbed my keys and wallet and left my hotel room.

Before I went to Jess' apartment I stopped by the store and bought her purple lilacs- her favorite.

I finally arrived at her apartment. Just in time. Good one Matt.

An older lady let me in and I walked up to her apartment.

I knocked on the door and about 5 seconds later, the door opened.

There stood my girlfriend. My true love. My future wife. My world.

She was dressed in a nice maroon dress shirt and black pencil skirt that complimented her whole body.

Jess is a very beautiful women. Many guys like her for her looks. I like her for her personality. Her looks are just a bonus.

After a few moments, she finally broke my gaze saying "What?" I replied with "You- you're just so- beautiful." I said in complete awe-struck.

After I gave her her flowers I told her we should go because we have reservations.

Once we got back into my car. I laced my fingers with hers and kept my eyes locked onto the road.

I'm pretty sure I was the luckiest man in the world right now.


I apologize for this update. It was very boring. But I promise good chapters will come up soon!

Remember to check out my home boy's story JennaM_M

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