• Chapter 14 •

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"I miss Colton." I said placing my head in Matt's lap. "You just saw him yesterday Jess." Matt laughed while stroking my hair.

"I know, but I wanna actually get to spend time with him, not just an hour." I sighed.

"Why don't you go over to his house today then?" He asked. "What would you do?" I asked. "Jess I do have a life." He chuckled.

"Well, I know that." I giggled, slapping his chest playfully. "How much are you spending to stay at that hotel?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter Jess. I'll stay there forever as long as I get to see you." He said planting a small kiss on my hair.

"Why don't you stay here for awhile?" I said sitting up. "I don't mean to intrude-" I interrupted him by crashing my lips on his.

"You're not intruding. I offered and we're dating. What's wrong with staying here with me?" I asked.

"Nothing is wrong with it, but if you want me to I'd gladly stay here with you for a little bit." He said kissing my cheek.

"Yay!" I said in excitement. "How about we both get ready. You go hang out with Colton for the day, and I'll check out of my hotel and being my stuff here." Matt said hugging my waist.

"That sounds like an excellent plan." I said. Matt untangled his arms around me and got out of bed. He brought some extra clothes here yesterday so he went into the bathroom and changed into that.

I walked over to my dresser and pulled out a pair of white shorts and a loose floral crop top that went right below my belly button.

I slipped my clothes on and went over to my closet to find a pair of shoes. I finally decided on wearing a pair of white and blue Nike shoes.

To top off my outfit I threw on a white, dark and light blue floral bucket hat.

I opened my bedroom door and heard a huge sigh. "Finally." Matt said not taking his eyes off of his phone. He looked up and starred at my outfit.

"You look beautiful Jess." He said kissing my cheek. "You look nice too." I said kissing him back.

"Well I'm gonna go check out babe and I'll be back." He said grabbing his car keys. "I'll be at Colton's." I replied.

Matt walked out the door and left. I walked into the bathroom and did my regular morning routine. I left my natural wavy hair down and brushed my teeth.

I walked back into my room and grabbed my purse and necessary essentials.

I grabbed my keys, locked up my apartment and walked down to the garage.

* 2 hour later *

"Thank you so much for lunch Mr and Mrs. Miller. It was amazing." I smiled brightly.

"You're welcome dear." Lindsey smiled taking dishes into the kitchen sink. "Wanna go upstairs?" Colton asked. "Sure." I smiled.

Once we were upstairs Colton turned his Xbox on. He threw me a control and my mic.

We both plopped onto our chairs and started to play his MBA basketball game.


"Boom! Who just won for the third time in a row? Oh yeah! Me!" I yelled in Colton's face.

"Whatever Jess, I totally let you win." He shrugged. "Three times in a row, I don't think so." I giggled.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Jess." He said taking his mic off. "My team whooped your ass Colton. Don't even hide the fact that a girl beat you." I said taking my mic off as well.

"Yeah yeah okay. Let's go get something to eat." He said standing up.

We both walked downstairs. Colton grabbed a bag of chips and threw me a can of sprite.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, I reached behind me and grabbed it. I saw it was a message from Matt.

He was asking when I would come home. "Who was it?" Colton asked. "Matt, he wants to know when I'm coming home." I said.

"Ask him if he wants to come over." Colton shrugged. "You sure?" I asked.

"Jess, I'm friends with them too." He chuckled. "Okay I'll ask." I giggled.


"So I never asked, what happened after I left the hospital. You seem like you were before you got sick. It seems like you don't even have leukemia." I asked.

"After awhile they were doing tests and scans and the cancer cells seemed to die off. Every time they looked, there were less cells. So fingers crossed." He smiled.

I could feel the water grow in my eyes. "I-I have no words." I cried, grasping him in a hug. "Colton I can't believe this! After 7 months of pier torture. Oh my god Colton! I just- I don't know what to say!" I exclaimed. "I was left wordless too." He chuckled.

We both pulled away once we heard a knock at the door. We both walked over to it and Colton answered the door.

It was Matthew. "Hey man." Colton said giving Matt a 'bro hug'. "Waddup, how you doing Colton?" Matt asked. "I'm doing really good. Thanks." Colton smiled.

Matt looked over at me and smiled. "Hey babe." "Hey." I smiled.

We all walked over to the living room and sat on the couch. "Hey man I hope you're not mad at me for the kiss and all." Colton said rubbing the back of his neck.

My eyes widen. Matt sat up straight. "Uh, what kiss?" Matt said uneasily.


I'm so sorry for the random updates. I promise to get more on schedule. I will either post on Saturday or Sunday and then everything will go back to normal.

Have a great day! Hope you enjoyed the update! 😈

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