• Chapter 3 •

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I stepped into the shower and let the steaming water pour down on me. I washed off my body and hair and stepped out of the shower.

I dried my body off then pulled on my pair of light washed ripped skinny jeans and my tie-dye shirt that said "Reckless" bolded on it. I dried my hair and left my natural loose curls fall.

I brushed my teeth and applied my make up. "Ready Jess?" Lox called. I walked out of the bathroom and said "Yeah, when does it start?"

We were about to leave for the MagCon event that was held in the Hotel itself. I'm actually very excited, I've never been to one before.

"It starts at 11." She said. I looked at the clock and it read 10:15. "Alright let's go." I said as I slipped my light brown moccasins on. I grabbed my phone and slipped it in my back pocket.

Lox and I walked down to the lobby to see all the boys sitting on the couches on their phones.

I took a seat next to Taylor. "Hey Jess." He smiled. I smiled back and said "Hey."

"Hey guys!" We all turned towards the door and saw Shawn standing there with the biggest smile on his face.

"Shawn!" We all yelled and ran over to him. "What are you doing here man?" Nash said giving Shawn a hug. "Yeah I thought you were on tour?" Taylor added.

"Haha some things went down and we had to end it early. So I thought, hey why not go to MagCon?" He smiled. "We miss you man." JJ added in.

While everyone was catching up with Shawn. I felt someone grab my wrist and pull my over to the hallway.

I turned around and saw it was Matthew. "Oh hey Matt-" I was cut off my Matt saying "You kissed Cam?"

I was caught off guard. "God dammit Taylor." I murmured. "Why did you kiss him?" He asked getting a little angry. "Matt, that's none of your business." I hissed.

He grabbed ahold of my wrist and gripped hard on it. "Tell me why!" He yelled. "Get off of me!" I yelled back, struggling to get out of his hold. "Not until you tell me why!" He yelled.

Just then Matt was pulled away and thrown on the ground. "She said to get the fuck off her. Listen to her. God damn!" Gilinsky yelled.

At this point everyone was standing behind them and Cameron was holding me in his arms.

"Don't ever put your god damn hands on her again or I myself with burn you to shit!" Gilinsky yelled. "That's enough. Gilinsky get off of him!" Bart yelled.

Gilinsky stood up and took a step back. Bart grabbed Matt's hand and helped him up.

"You all have a show in 10 minutes and I go to find you and it looks like Gilinsky and Matthew are gonna kill each other. You all need to go on stage, preform for people who have came miles for you, and deal with this later. Now go." Bart sternly yelled.

We all walked to the back stage and waited for Bart to call them on stage.

I was just gonna stay backstage and watch from there. I didn't think it would be a good idea for me to go on with them.

"-and her is THE MAGCON BOYS!" Bart announced. Shawn, Johnson, Gilinsky, Cameron, Matthew, Taylor and Nash went running out with microphones in their hands.

You could hear the screams of thirsty teenage girls echo around the room. (Oh god I'm sorry 😂)

One of the helpers brought out a stool and set it down on the middle of the stage.

Shawn took a seat on it and started to strum on his guitar. "I love it when you just don't care. I love it when you dance like there's nobody there.." He sung smoothly. Almost everyone in the room was singing along.

After the song was over Jack and Jack went on and sang Paradise. There were a few more acts after that. And now they were letting the fans ask questions.

"Now we're gonna let you guys ask us questions." Taylor spoke out. In seconds basically everyone's hand was raised.

"Uh, you with the white tank top and braided hair. What's your questions?" Johnson asked. "This ones for Shawn. Okay, uhm, who's your inspiration?" She smiled brightly.

"Without a doubt Ed Sheeran." He smiled. "Okay next question. You in the front row, brown hair." Gilinsky said.

"For Cameron, where is your favorite place you have toured?" She said very excited. "I couldn't choose. I love meeting my fans everywhere." He smiled.

About 15 minutes later they were all signing photos and taking picture with the fans.

Nash was taking a picture with a fan until she screamed "Oh my gosh! It's Jack Johnson's sister!" "Haha Jess come on out!" Nash yelled to me.

I smiled and walked over to everyone. "Can we get pictures with Jessica too?" Fans asked.

"That's up to her. Would you be okay with that?" Bart asked. "That's be fun, sure." I walked over to where JJ was sitting and there was already a line of girls.. and guys.. hot guys. This should be exciting.

The first girl walked up, she seemed about 8 years old. She had the biggest smile on her face. I squatted down and smiled at her. "Now what's your name cutie?" She smiled brightly and said "Addy."

"What a lovely name. Wanna take a picture?" I asked her. She nodded her head quickly and put her arms out. I picked her up and we took a few pictures together. She ran off and the next person came up.

My mouth slightly parted, the boy that came up was so cute. He waved his hand in front of my face and laughed. "Uh Jessica? You okay?" He asked.

I shook my head and stuttered "Uh yeah, I'm fine." I smiled. "W-what's my name. Uh wait, I know my name, what's your name?" Oh god I'm making a fool of myself.

"Haha I'm Cody Larson." He smiled showing off his dimples, he did have braces but that made him even more cute. Okay I think I'm dead now.

He stepped behind me and put his hands on my waist. "Uh, what are you d-doing?" I stuttered once again. "Taking a picture, smile." He soothed.

We took a few pictures. "Can I take, uh just one more?" He asked looking down. Finally I'm not the one nervous. "Of course." I smiled.

I set his lips on my cheek and took a picture. I was in shock. I didn't see that coming. "I hope that wasn't awkward for you." He said rubbing the back of his neck and looking down. "Uh no, it's fine."

"Do you think.. I could, uhm get your number?" He asked. "I don't think I'm suppose to do that." I said. "Oh, uh okay." He started walking away.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him back "I didn't say I wouldn't give it to you though." I smiled. He returned it and pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me. I put my number in and said bye.

About 20 minutes later, we were all done and closing up the Meet and Greet.

A/N sorry if it's not good, I just.. I'm going through a hard time rn. I'll try to make the next one better.

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