• Chapter 11 •

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Jess' POV

After 45 minutes of driving we finally made it to our destination. Matt looked over at me and smiled. "Ready, love?" He asked.

I nodded and opened my door. Matt did the same and made his way around the car towards me.

He reached out for my hand, I gladly took it and he lead the way.

He didn't tell me where we were going. So I just followed along.

After a few minutes of walking Matt lead me over to a boating dock.

I was taken away by the two story yacht floating in front of me. A small gasp left my mouth.

I heard a small chuckle come from Matt standing behind me. "I suppose you like it huh?"

"Like it? Matt this is beautiful." I said in awe.

"Shall we madam?" Matt whispered to me. I nodded in response.

Matt lead me up into the yacht and then got on himself.

I looked around the yacht in awe and excitement. Matt stood behind me, placed his hands on my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder. "Wanna take a look at the beach?"

"Of course." I smiled. He grabbed my hand and lead me over to the front.

I didn't even realize that we have shipped from the dock. The waves were crashing against the boat, the wind was blowing and the sun was setting.

"This view is great." Matt said. "I know. The water is so peaceful." I said in awe. "Uh- yeah- the water, that's beautiful too." He said.

I looked back at him and smiled. He gently placed his hands on either side of on my cheek and slowly pulled me closer to him.

I closed my eyes and he placed his lips on mine. It was slow and passionate. In other words it was perfect. He slightly pushed me against the railing and deepened the kiss.

I tangled my hands in his hair and pulled him closer; if that was even possible.

We broke apart once we heard someone clear their throat.

"Mr. Espinosa, your meal is ready." An elder man dressed in a sleek black suit said.

"Hungry babe?" Matt asked. I nodded my head. We both walked into the dining area. Matt pulled my seat out, I smoothed my skirt down and I took a seat. Matt pushed my chair in, he walked around the table and took a seat across from me.

Our meal consisted of steak, mashed potatoes, green beans and a glass of white wine. It look amazing. Everything was assorted nice and neatly.

"Go ahead babe. Tell me what you think." Matt said. I cut a small piece of steak and took a bite.

Wow. It was amazing. "It's delicious Matt." I said. He chucked. "Charles is a great cook."

About five minutes into our meal my phone started to buzz. The caller ID read 'unknown number'. "Who is it?" Matt asked.

"I don't know. Should I take it?" I asked. "I guess." Matt shrugged.

I slowly got up from my seat and walked towards the front of the boat.

"Hello?" I asked threw the phone. "Is this Jessica? Jessica Johnson?" Said a males voice. "Uh, yeah? Who is this?" I asked.

"It's Cody Larson. From the M&G about a month ago."

Oh shit. I remember him. Oh my, he was a good looking dude. But, I have Matt now. God, why is life so complicated?

"Jessica? You still there?" Cody asked. "Yeah, I'm here." I said. "Well, uh, I was wondering if you, uh, if you wanted to maybe get some lunch sometime? I mean, uh, if you want." He stuttered.

I took a deep breath. "Cody. You're a really nice guy and I would love to be friends. Its just, I already have a boyfriend." "Oh, uh, congratulations. I guess." He muttered.

"I would still like to be friends." I said hopefully. "Yeah, me too." He spoke.

"Uh, Cody I have to go, I'm kinda on a date right now." I laughed. "Oh, sorry for interrupting. Text me later." He said. "It's okay. I will. Bye Cody." I said. "Goodbye Jessica."

I clicked end call button and slipped my phone back into my purse. I took a deep breath and walked back into the room Matt was in.

I took my seat and continued to eat. Matt placed his hand on mine and looked at me. "Who was it?" He asked.

"Just a friend." I shrugged. "Is everything alright?" He said looking straight at me. "Yeah." I faked a smile. "You sure baby?" "Yeah I'm sure."

About 20 minutes later Matt and I finished our dinner and we're back by the front of the boat.

"Jess?" He asked. "Yeah?"

"You don't know how lucky I am to have you. I've had a crush on you since I was a little boy. You are every guys dream.

Your smile is the best sight to see. You have no flaws whatsoever. I hope one day I can go to be with you by my side, wake up with you by my side, buy a house with you, get married, have wonderful children to call ours and grow old together.

You make me smile in so many different ways. I'm not gonna say I love you, but just know that I do. Nothing is ever going to change my thought on you."

With that he crashed his lips onto mine. Our kiss wasn't like earlier. This one was rough and full of lust.

He walked backwards bringing me with him. He sat down on a bench and placing me on his lap. My legs were straddling him and our lips were still connected.

His words made me melt. No guy has ever made me feel this way about him in such a short amount of time.

He makes me weak, but in a good way.


Well damn. I'm just gonna go to church and bathe in some holy water while reading the bible. That wasn't much but for me. Jeez I'm not doing so hot rn.

Thank you all for the support. And remember to check out my buds stories. JennaM_M and kaitlynmendes_

But yeah. I'm gonna go get turnt and listen to Drake. SO YEAH!

Thanks babers ❤️

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