• Chapter 19 •

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* small sexual activity *

"You don't even understand how happy I am to know that I have you as my girlfriend again." Matt gleamed.

Oh but that's where he's wrong.

"Hold your horses there buddy. I never agreed to be your girlfriend again." I said being completely honest.

His face fell. "Wait what?" "Matt I never said I would be your girlfriend again."

"But-but you said you loved me?" He stuttered. "Yeah, I also love pizza, but you don't see me dating pizza." I said in a duh tone.

"-and plus, you didn't even ask me."

"Oh." He cleared his throat. "Jessica Johnson, will you make me the happiest man on earth and give me the honor of getting to call you mine?" He said taking ahold of my hand.

I made a fake face making it seem like I was thinking. "Hmm-" I looked straight in his eyes. "Nah, I'm good thanks for asking though." I smiled brightly.

His face fell once again. "W-what?"

"I'm just kidding Matt! Of course I'll be your girlfriend!" I yelled flinging my arms around his neck. Matt lifted me up and spun me around.

"I love you so much Jess." He whispered into my ear.

Matt put me back on the ground and kissed me.

He quickly asked for entrance, which I gladly excepted.

He pushed me against the wall, taking his lips away from mine and placing his forehead against mine.

"I love you Jess."

He started to place small kisses all along my face.

"I love your smile." Kiss "I love your eyes." Kiss "I love your laugh." Kiss "But most importantly, I love you." Kiss

He picked me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist, holding onto him for my dear life.

Matt continued to kiss me while walking to my room.

He gently dropped me onto the bed, climbing on top of me. He leaned down closer to me and spread messy kisses along my neck.

Matt lifted himself up a bit, gripped my shirt and lifted it up towards the top of my chest.

He lowered himself towards me and kissed my lower stomach. My mouth opened up letting a small moan out.

He looked up at me and smirked. It felt strange seeing this side of Matt, he was normally the sweet boyfriend who sends you adorable gifts and gives you cute little nicknames not kiss down your stomach- I mean I'm sure as hell not complaining but it's- unusual.

He lifted the rest of my shirt off and kissed his way up my my neck. He nipped and sucked on my neck leaving marks all around me.

I gripped his hair pulling him up to me. I slipped his shirt off and rested my hands on his stomach. I pushed him back and hovered above him.

Matt gripped his hands on my butt and kissed me. His hands found my belt buckle and unbuckled it. He continued to unbutton my shorts and he pulled them down.

I gripped his jeans and unbuckled them myself. I was about to pull them down but Matt's hand stopped me.

"Are you sure Jess? We just started dating again." He asked looking at me straight in the eyes.

"It's not like we don't know each other Matt, and I want you to be my first, right here, right now." I said a little bit too forcefully.

Matt smirked and released my hand. I understood what that meant and pulled his jeans down, leaving us both in our undergarments.

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