• Chapter 9 •

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I slammed the car door shut as a I waited for Matt to enter the car.

I wasn't sad because of what happened with Colton, I was angry. How dare he kiss me, then get mad at me! How dare he.

Matt jumped into the car at looked at me. "What was this all about? Why did you want to leave so sudden?" He said placing his hand on mine.

"I don't want to talk about it." I muttered. "Well, how about we go back to your place, get a little rest, then we'll go on a date tonight?" He smiled, showing off his bright teeth. I sighed, then put on a smile for him. "Okay."

He started the car and drove out of the hospital parking lot. About 20 minutes later we were pulling into the street of my apartment.

He parked, then we both walked up to the door. I put my keycard on the scanner and buzzed us in. We took the elevator to my floor then turned and faced my apartment door.

I fumbled looking for my keys. After 3 minutes of stressing I finally found my keys and unlocked the door.

We both walked in. I closed the door and locked it. I slipped my shoes off. Matt did the same and walked over to the bathroom.

While he was in there I went over to my room and threw on a pair of mint green shorts and a grey tank top.

It may be 12 o'clock in the after noon but I still need my sleep.

I walked out into the living room and saw Matt sitting on his phone. "I'm gonna take a nap? Are you going to too?" I asked.

He tensed up. "Uh yeah I'll just lay out here." He said laying down on my couch.

"Matt you can lay with me. We're just taking a nap." I laughed. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Yeah Matt, I'm sure." I giggled once again.

We both walked over to my room. I laid down and pulled the covers over me. While Matt leaned against the frame of my door. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"Admiring you from afar." He smirked. "Aren't you cute." I smiled big and laughed.

He walked over to my bed and toppled down face first. He didn't bother moving either.

"You look comfortable." I giggled. "I am." He said into the blanket. I chucked a pillow at him then ducked under the covers to hide.

"You better watch it Johnson." He chuckled. I laughed and shoved myself under the blanket even more.

About 3 hours later I slowly opened my eyes. I checked the time and it read 3:36. Jeez I took a long nap. I lean over my shoulder and see Matt sprawled across my bed, with his mouth slightly parted. It was adorable.

I lightly shook him awake. He groaned and rolled over. I kept tapping him, but he wouldn't budge. "C'mon Matt wake the fuck up." I said getting annoyed. He groaned once again and stayed still.

Well I guess he wants to play this game the hard way.

I discarded my covers and leaned over closer to Matt. I set my hands on his mid back and on the back of his thighs. I quickly leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek. Then I gracefully shoved him off the bed.

There was a loud thud and I couldn't help but giggle. I covered my mouth to muffle my giggles.

Matt jumped up and glared at me. I just gave him a sweet smile. "Cute. That's real cute." He fake smiled.

His smile quickly faded and turned into a devilish smirk. I immediately stopped laughing and sat still.

He jumped on the bed and planted his whole weight on me. "Matt! Get off me!" I said gasping for breath.

"Nah, I think I'm good. But thanks for the offer." He said. "Please Matt! Your crushing me!" I stuttered.

He sighed then lifted his top half off of me, but his waist and down was still pressed against me. His hands were on either side of my head, our faces were parallel and our eyes were locked together.

He leaned down and placed small kisses around my face. Then he set his lips forcefully on mine.

We pulled apart by the sound of my apartment door opening. Matt got off of me and walked out of the room to see who was there.

"Was good man." I heard Gilinsky slur. "Wait what are you even doing here?" I heard JJ ask. "I came here with Jess. "Oh god please tell me you didn't do anything." JJ said in disgust.

"No-no no no! We just came here to take a nap." Matt defended. I heard a sigh. Most likely of relief.

I pulled my covers back and walked out to see all the boys talking. "Jess." JJ said walking over to me and giving me a hug.

"What's with the hug JJ?" I asked. "When you left you seemed kind of sad and angry. You okay bud?" He asked with worry in his voice.

I let out a sigh. "I'm fine don't worry bro." I said smiling.

"Well Jess were gonna leave in about an hour and 30. I'm gonna go back to my hotel to get changed." Matt said walking over to me. He gave me a small kiss in the forehead. "I'll see you in a bit beautiful." He whispered.

He walked out of the door and I walked back to my room to get ready for my date.


So I've been thinking I might end this story around 15-20. But I will be starting another one after this one. I have 3 ideas in mind.

And thanks to JennaM_M and kaitlynmendes_ for helping me with my next stories and helping plan them out! Remember to check out both of their stories!

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