• Chapter 8 •

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"Colton." I whispered. He gave me a faint smile. "Colton!" I cried running over to his bed and planting myself on him.

"J-Jess your crushing me." He said laughing but I could tell he was in pain. I quickly got off him. "Thank god your okay." I said stuffing my head in his neck. "I don't know what I would do without you." I sobbed.

"You won't ever have to know what it's like. I'm not leaving you, ever. I promise." Colton said holding me tighter.

"Do you guys mind if I talk to Colton alone?" I asked the boys. They all nodded and walked out, besides Matt.

He walked over to me and laid a kiss on the corner of me lips. He smiled and me and walked out of the room closing the door behind him.

Colton sent me a confused look. "What?" I laughed. "When did you and Matt become a thing?" He cringed at the last part.

"Just earlier today." I laughed. "Oh." He whispered not making eye contact with me. He fidgeted with his blanket and sighed.

"Did I say something wrong?" I said placing my hand on his. "No." He said. "If something's bothering yo-" I was cut off by Colton. "Does he make you happy?"

I stuttered. "Y-yes he does." He sighed yet again.

Minutes passed and he didn't say anything. "Colton I don't understand. Did I say someth-" I was cut off yet again. But this time by Colton's lips being placed on mine.

Although it's completely wrong, I found myself kissing back. He pulled me on his bed and continued to kiss me.

Okay this is wrong I have to stop this. But I didn't have the strength. How can something so wrong feel so wonderful?

There was a knock and the door and it was a mystery how fast I moved from his bed to my chair.

It was his sister Bailey. Colton looked over at her and the biggest smile rose on both of there faces. "Bailey." He cried.

"Colton!" She ran over and jumped onto his bed and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. "I love you so much Colton." She sobbed in his chest.

"I love you too Bailey." He soothed patting her hair.

"I don't ever want to loose you Colton. You're my world." She whispered.

He pulled her off of him an looked straight in her eyes. "Bailey you aren't ever gonna loose me. I'm not going anywhere. Especially without you. You don't need to worry. I'm not leaving any time soon." He smiled giving her a kiss on the cheek.

He cried harder and grasped him into another big hug.

"Can you do me a favor B?" He asked her. "Of course." Bailey smiled brightly. "Can you go get me some ice cream from the café? I've been craving some chocolate ice cream." He said smiling.

"Okay! I'll be right back!" She said running out of the room.

The room fell silent and I was nervous. Colton and I have been friends since we were 3. And we have never once had an intimate relationship. But once we "accidentally" kissed at my 9th birthday party. But that was it. One kiss.

"Colton why did you kiss me?" I whispered. "Why? Because I've been wanting to do that since your 9th birthday party at Chucky E Cheese Jess. You're so fucking oblivious to the fact that I've liked you since the 3rd grade! And once I finally work up the courage to ask you out. I realize your fuckboy Matt beat me to it!" He yelled.

I flinched at his anger. He sighed. "Jess I need you to leave." He whispered. "Colton-" "Just leave Jess!" He spit.

"I-" I stopped myself and sighed. I stood up and grabbed my purse. I walked over to the door and looked back to see Colton laying down facing the opposite way. I sighed once again and opened the door.

Tears came down my face for the millionth time in the past 48 hours.

I stepped out of the room and closed the door behind me. I let out a whimper as my Vans squeaked against the floor, making my way back to the waiting room where the rest of the group was.


My update days will now be twice a week. On either Monday or Tuesday and either Friday or Saturday.

And please go check out my homies story JennaM_M

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