Kibougamine, Here I am

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<If I put "narrow his/her brows" instead of "furrow his/her brows" just act like I put "furrow his/her brows"

It was quite peaceful in Tokyo, Japan today..Naegi Makoto was going to attend Kibougamine,

Makoto quietly snores as he lies carelessly in bed in an awkward position with his left leg hanging off his bed and his back arching because his right arm is behind him. His mouth was wide open with slight drool coming out his mouth and down his cheek.

His hair was messier than ever. Anyone could tell that he didn't sleep well the other night. People could read him like an open book. His little sister, Komaru, barged into his room and face-palmed herself of his stupidity and forgetfulness.

"Onichan! Get up your late!" She yelled.

Makoto screamed in surprise and fell off his bed while hitting his head on his nightstand and his cup of water fell on his head and spilled all over him. The Naegi Family bully breed, Tankirou began licking his face.

"Ah..shit!" He exhaled, rubbing the back of his head.

"Get up, Makoto, you're already late! What the hell are you still doing in bed, you ass-clown!?" Komaru picked up the cup of water and took the towel on his door to wipe his face. "Tanki, move!" She gently pushed the elderly dog and she walked away and out the door and into Komaru's room.

"I could barely sleep the other night because of my anxiety rising to the top of the roof.." He said tiredly.

"I gotta run, I'll tell Mom that you're getting ready on the way out, ok?" She said with a worried look, that she truly cared for her brother, she only raised her voice because she cared about him being late, it would be embarrassing if you were late on your first day in a new High School.

Except that High School was Kibougamine, no less. Full of talented students called Ultimates, like the Super High School Level Gambler, for example.

"Ok." Makoto's voice was a bit strained as he got up and stretched before he got his clothes for the first day. A hoodie with the Zero logo from the game 999, a black blazer resembling Kibougamine, and some skinny jeans with red shoes.

Before putting on his clothes he brushed his teeth and showered. He brushed his hair, applied some body care products, and after that he quickly put on his clothes and ran downstairs, only to drip and fall down the stairs. Miori, his mother, came running to the noise and sighed.

"You fell again? This is the 2nd time this week! I told you not to run down the stairs!" She lectured him as she helped him up.

"I know, I just don't wanna be more late than I am now." Makoto grabbed her hand and pulled himself up, again.

"Makoto, baby, your well-being is more important than rushing down the stairs." She said as she cupped his baby face in her hands. Miori was caring and patient even when she was upset or lecturing her children.

"Your lunch is in the container on the table, put it in your bag because I'm driving you to school." She said loud enough for him Miori slipped her feet into some bubble slides and held the door open for Makoto so he could get out. She walked behind him to the car as the screen door closed itself. They buckled their seatbelts and Miori drove off.

Makoto didn't feel it when it happened at first but, then it bleed down to his nose. He winced in pain as the wound on his forehead burned due to him falling down the stairs. He looked in the door of the car, grabbed a bandaid and placing it over the wound, and wiped his face with a tissue. After about 15 minutes, they arrived at Kibougamine. The large building towered over most things surrounding it.

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