Morning Bicker

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/Before I start the chapter I'd like to point out that Leon is pronounced Reh-on or Leh-on in the anime and game, just a quick saying/

Another day, another school rise Ms. Kirigiri. Kyoko was peacefully sleeping in her bed, her room was very neat since she was living with her father. Bookshelves, a desk and chair, a wardrobe, a TV, a TV stand, and even a bathroom. Though, all of that wasn't admired by her.

She could've cared even less if she wanted to. Kyoko hummed in her sleep and rolled over towards the window in her room, only to be woken up by the bright sun that shined right through her window.

Her eyes fluttered open as she squinted at the window and sun, she scowled.

She hated it here.

Her grandfather had told her to stay at the house with Jin because Jin had to supervise her before she could stay in a dorm room. And to make it worse, Jin came in through her door just to let his loud voice awaken her completely.

"Good Morning, Sunshine!" Jin smiled as he opened up her window and let the cool air from outside enter her room.

As a kid, Jin called Kyoko "sunshine" because of how sunny she was. She was also bright, as bright as the sun. She even had quite the bright personality. "Sunshine" suited her.

Kyoko groaned as she grabbed the blanket and pulled it over her head. Jin shook his head and gently pulled it back down to her shoulder. She was grimacing.

"C'mon, Captain Cranky, we've got ships to obliterate! And when I say ships, I mean schoolwork. Get up!" Jin said as he walked out her room door.

Kyoko pulled the cover off of her and rubbed her eyes as she walked toward her bathroom. As she walked in, she used the bathroom and washed her hands before looking in the mirror. She saw that her hair was a mess and she had tiny eye bags from doing homework so late.

She sighed of disapproval and began brushing her teeth, side to side, up and down, and her tongue. She spat out the toothpaste and used Mouthwash as well, what? She has good hygiene.

Afterwards, she began to run her shower water, she made sure it was warm, not too hot, not too cold either.

She then changed into a nude before entering the shower. Meanwhile downstairs, Jin was making breakfast.

He even made sure to get her Civet Coffee, he knew it was her favorite, and she liked exotic things. He was making Miso Soup with Soy Beans, rice, seaweed, and tamagoyaki.

Jin originally lived alone, he didn't have any pets because he didn't have much time for that. He mainly worked, slept, ate, and thought of Kyoko. He missed his daughter a lot.

Every time he thought of Kyoko, he thought of her mother, Kanae.

They looked the same. Same height, same facial features, same hair, and same body structure. Except for the eyes and attitude. Kanae was a sweetheart and she loved everyone around her though she was quiet, Kyoko did get her flirty and playful attitude from her mother.

Kanae was a bit playful and occasionally flirted with Jin now and then. They were like the same person, but Jin still missed her every day. Kyoko hopefully will fill in the missing piece of Jin's heart, he always felt like a piece was missing from him ever since Kanae passed.

Hopefully, Kyoko will understand he wants to make peace with her for once.

Kyoko was done showering and began drying off but, avoided the window and pushed the curtains in front of it.

After drying, she searched for some clothes to wear to school today. She found a white blouse. Maybe she could wear a dark grey skirt. And a different color tie. A yellow one will do. And a different blazer, a black one. She applied the clothes on her body and reentered her bathroom.

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