4k Snap Snap!

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Komaru, Miori, and Kyutai had arrived at the house after about an hour or so.

Miori parked the car before grabbing the keys and opening the car door.

Kyutai got the food.

Komaru was on the phone.

Walking up to the door, Miori had unlocked it and walked inside. Kyutai and Komaru followed.

"Makoto!" Miori called.

No answer.

"He might be in his room." Said Kyutai.

"Komaru, go get your brother." Miori commanded.

"And she was like-Yes ma'am! And she was like
'He cheated! He likes that girl he hangs out with!'" Komaru acknowledged Miori whilst on the phone with Kamiga Momo.

Komaru walked up the stairs.

"Hey, I'll call you back. I gotta do something." Said Komaru.

"Oh alright." Kamiga hung up.

Komaru knocked on Makoto's door.

"Onichan!" She called.

No answer, again.

"Naegi Makoto, open up!" She called again.

No answer, now she's gonna open the door herself.

Komaru opened the door to see Makoto and a girl, sleeping beside each other.

Isn't that Kirigiri-San?

Her head was on his shoulder and he was laying back, though they were both sitting.

The TV was also on. He was watching Jujutsu Kaisen.

Komaru snapped a quick picture before calling him again.


Makoto slowly opened his eyes and looked behind him.

"Huh? Oh..hey Komaru." Makoto waved.

"I didn't know you invited anyone." She smirked.

Makoto looked beside him.

Kyoko was lying beside him. And her head on his shoulder.

His face had flushed a red color.

"Anyway, get up! Mom's calling you." She rolled her eyes before walking out of his room.

Makoto tiredly sat up and stretched his arms before getting out of bed.

Downstairs, he heard his mother and father talking. Having a conversation about the baby or whatever.

As soon as Makoto reached the bottom of the stairs, Kyutai cocked his head towards his son.

"You were asleep?" He asked.

"Yea.." Makoto rubbed his eyes.

"Komaru, you come on too." Miori called.

Komaru entered the area from the kitchen. She was eating some Chinese food.

"Komaru, apologize to your brother for lunging at him." Said Miori.

Komaru sighed before looking at him.

"I'm sorry for lunging at you." She said whilst food being in her mouth.

"Now, Makoto, apologize to your sister for punching her." She said as she turned to Makoto.

"I'm sorry for punching you. It was an accident, I would never wanna hurt you!" He exclaimed.

"Give each other a hug." Miori commanded.

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