Cracking the Mysterious Iron

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This was 9 years ago..

Young Naegi Makoto...He was sleeping in his bed. Not having a care what was going on. Peacefully, sleeping the day away is one thing he wished he could do. Instead, the loud alarm on his iPad went off. He slowly opened his eyes and grabbed the iPad before pressing the snooze button and snuggling back under his covers. That was until his younger sister came budging in his room and drop kicking the door open. He jumped in fear.

"Komaru! What the heck, dude?!" Young Naegi raised his breathy voice as he tried to slow his breathing. Apparently, she was wearing her Hello Kitty Pajamas, shorts and shirt with slippers.

"Your s'posed to be awake, loser." She rolled her eyes as she picked herself up.

"I know.." Makoto reluctantly got out of bed, flipping the covers off of him and stretching his arms. Though, Komaru looked behind him to see that there was a small pee stain on the sheets. She took a step back and eyed the stain behind him. He looked and sighed.

"Dangnammit!" He euphemistically said under his breath. Komaru dashed down the hallway in a hurry to the bathroom. Makoto ran after her but, couldn't keep up because of the uncomfortable feeling of damp clothing in his pants.

She got to the bathroom first and slammed the door in his face, right in his face. He backed away in pain. The door had hit his little nose in the process. He held his nose like he was gonna cry.

"I'm telling Mom!" Makoto yelled at the door of the bathroom before stomping downstairs. Miori could hear the hard footsteps coming down and  looked behind to see her son standing in the doorway of the kitchen.

He was standing there, his brows furrowed and face a bit red from anger, a few tears were visible, along with him puffing his cheeks with his hand balled up in fists.

"Aww, Baby, What's wrong?" His mother showed worry on her face as she looked at him while making breakfast.

"Komaru ran in the bathroom and slammed the door in my face!" He whined whilst also sounding very upset.

"Why did she run the bathroom?" Miori asked curiously. Makoto's eyes widened and looked away with his face more red from embarrassment. She now knew why, he had an accident again.

"Makoto, it's ok to have an accident. You can just tell me." Miori stopped her cooking.

"Miori, he does it almost everyday. Maybe he just has a weak bladder." Said Naegi Kyutai as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I know. Can you handle the food? I gotta deal with this situation." Miori asked her husband.

"Yea." He shrugged before earning a kiss on the cheek from Miori.

Miori and Makoto walked upstairs and stopped at the bathroom. Miori knocked on the door. Komaru opened the door and say her mom towering over her. She looked disappointed.

"What?" Komaru asked.

"Excuse me?" Miori said with disapproval in her voice.

"Yes, Ma'am?" Komaru corrected herself.

"Why did you slam the door in your brothers face?" Miori asked.

"I didn't mean to.." Komaru replied quietly.

"Well, it happened. Now say your sorry." Miori demanded. Makoto looked mad still. Komaru looked at her older brother and sighed.

"I'm sorry." She said reluctantly.

"Good. And he gets to shower first." Miori said before going in Makoto's room to retrieve his sheet.

Komaru rolled her eyes and walked out the bathroom. Makoto walked in and began taking off his clothes before showing. And after a shower, he brushed his teeth.

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