Trust is Vital

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It was silent in the classroom. Everyone was doing a test... except for Makoto of course. He was asleep. His arms were crossed whilst his head was in them. He was quietly snoring, though few people could hear him because his head was in his arms.

That morning, they changed seats. Celestia was on Makoto's left and Junko was on his right. Kyoko was on Celestia's left as well.

Occasionally, she would look at the shorter male. She could hear his soft snoring. Not that it was annoying or disturbing, it was actually quite cute to her.

Makoto turned his head out of his arms and over them instead. His eyes were still closed. Now she could see his face. His lips were slightly parted. Kyoko knew beauty when she saw it, and he was truly a very beautiful boy.

A beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy...

She looked away after about a minute. She was almost done with the test. And the class was almost over. Kyoko just finished the 14th question. Now she has to do the 15th and she'll be done.

Makoto opened his eyes and sighed. He has now awakened. Kyoko looked at him again, to see his eyes.

His eyes were still half opened. He looked at Kyoko and gave her a small wave even though his head was still down. He even smiled.

She smiled and waved back at him.

"What time is it?" Makoto whispered.

"10:14." She whispered back to him.

Makoto sat up and stretched, putting his hands and arms behind his back and arching. He exhaled before answering the last 5 questions. He just put random answers, now even caring what his grade would be.

The bell rang.

"Alright class, if you didn't finish, just press finish later. We'll finish this tomorrow first thing in the morning." Kawasaki said as she looked up from the computer she was typing on.

Makoto pulled his notebook from under his desk and closed his Chromebook.

He waited for the Teacher to dismiss them. Out of the blue, Leon walked by Makoto's desk and placed a small piece of paper on it.


Kuwata Leon

It seems Leon has given him his number. Makoto picked up the paper and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Typing the number into his phone.

"Alright, everyone. You are dismissed." Kawasaki said as she erased whatever she wrote on the whiteboard.

Makoto stood and walked out the door. He leaned against the wall close to the door of the classroom. Waiting for Kyoko.

Then came Leon, Yaushiro, Celeste, Chihiro, then finally Kyoko.

"What are you standing there for?" Kyoko looked behind her to see him just stalling.

"I was waiting for you. We're friends right?" Makoto asked, tilting his head.

"Friends..?" Kyoko said, seeming her head was in the clouds when she heard the word 'friends'.

"Yea. I mean, do you wanna be friends?" Makoto's demeanor showed anxiety.

"Not that I'm against the idea. I just.. haven't had friends in a while." Kyoko looked down.

"Really?" His eyes widened.

"Quite." She deadpanned.

"Well, I'm glad I'm your first friend." Makoto beamed.

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