Better Kirigiri Than Sorry

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Kyoko was walking down the sidewalk to school today. She was about a good minute near the school by now. She was also enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of the Sakura trees she passed by.

However, she did feel a presence near her. More like coming towards her. She looked behind herself to see Aoi and Sakura.

"Hey, Kirigiri-Chan!" Aoi waved.

"Salutations, Kirigiri-Chan." Greeted Sakura.

"Good Morning." Said Kyoko.

"You like the Sakura trees, huh?" Asked Aoi.

"Indeed." Replied Kyoko.

"Oh, by the way, Naegi was looking for you." Said Aoi.

"He's looking for me?" Kyoko tilted her head.

"Yea. Is your phone off?" Asked Aoi.

"Yes. I was busy yesterday." Kyoko crossed her arms in a more relaxed manner.

"He's been texting you. If you wanna find him, he might be at your locker." Aoi glanced at the school.

"Alright, thank you." Kyoko bowed before walking away.

Stepping into the school premises, Kyoko walked her way down the hall and up the stairs to reach her locker. Going up the 2nd bit of stairs, she finally reached her destination and found the luckster leaning against her locker door and scrolling through his phone.

"Naegi-Kun," Kyoko called.

Makoto perked his head at the sound of her voice.

"Kiri-Chan!" Makoto beamed.

"Asahina-San said you were looking for me?" Kyoko deadpanned.

"Yeah, I was. Something happened yesterday and it involves you." Makoto's smile faded into a scowl.

"Elaborate," Kyoko demanded.

"So, you remember when I went to the store?" Makoto asked.

Kyoko nodded.

"I never texted you back because I heard about what happened at The Tokyo Restaurant. You were sexually assaulted and harassed?" Makoto asked as his demeanor showed anxiety.

"I was. But, I'm fine." Kyoko exhaled.

"You sure?" Asked Makoto.

"Positive." Replied Kyoko.

"I love you, Kirigiri-Chan." Said Makoto as he relaxed his demeanor.

"H-huh..?" Kyoko's face flushed red.

"Wait, Sorry! I meant as a friend! I love you dearly as a friend!" Makoto waved his hands in an innocent gesture and rubbed the back of his neck as his face had a bright color as well.

"What I meant is, I care about you. And I don't want you getting hurt, th-that's all." Makoto mumbled.

"Oh. Thank you." Kyoko averted his awkward gaze.

Kyoko didn't think he would care for her well-being. Maybe, that's what friends are like. But how would an aloof and cold person like herself know anyway?

"Um..Anywho, where's the principal? He wasn't here today." Makoto raised a brow.

"I'm right here, actually." Said Jin as he stood behind Kyoko.

"Kyoko, we need to discuss something in my office," Jin said as he looked down at his daughter.

"Yes, sir." Kyoko quietly mumbled as she walked past him to reach his office.

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