Protect the Baby

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"You sure you wanna come?" Makoto asked Hajime. They were at Makoto's Mothers House.

"Of course. I miss them." Hajime nodded as he gave Makoto a small smile.

"Alright then!" Makoto exclaimed as he got out the car.

Hajime got out as well and closed the car door before going around it and seeing Makoto petting his dog, Tankirou. She had some grey hairs, that was evidence she was old, she was a 12-year-old XXLBully. Tankirou had sweet gentle eyes and she was a Blue Merle. Her ears were cropped. Battle Cropped.

They were like that ever since she was a puppy because the previous owners wanted to make her look intimidating. Though the Naegi Residence raised her to be a obedient, sweet, and cuddling companion instead of a guard dog like the previous ones planned.

"Hi, Chonky Tanki-Wanki!" Makoto squealed as he rubbed her head and scratched behind her ear. "Hi Tanki! Hi Tankiiiiiiii! Tanki so chonky! Yea! Tanki so chonkyyyyy!"

"Tankirou! You've gotten bigger, huh?" Hajime asked the dog. She recognized his voice well. She wagged her tail rapidly as she groaned at him as a greeting.

"Hey, Tankirou." Hajime greeted her back as he rubbed her ribs and patted her. She was a bit fat, and Makoto liked fat dogs, really because he could pat their belly and give them endless belly rubs. They also looked cute to him.

"Mind bringing her inside? We gotta get the other one out as well." Makoto asked as he was about to unlock the front door.

"Yea, sure." Hajime replied. "Tsk, Tsk, Tsk! Come on, Tanki!" Hajime called her in a babyish tone. Tankirou got up and stretched before walking towards Hajime and following him in the house with Makoto. Makoto opened the front door and let Hajime and his dog in before letting the screen door close.

"I'm home! Hey, Komaru." Makoto greeted his sister. Komaru looked up and saw Hajime. She dropped her phone and ran up to him and jumped on him whilst hugging him and wrapping her legs around him.

"HAJIME!!" She squealed in excitement as she cried.

"Hey, Komaru!" Hajime smiled as he hugged her back tightly.

"Hajime?" Miori said as she peeled behind the entering of the kitchen.

"Hajime! Long time no see!" Miori bowed before hugging him tightly.

"Hi, Miori!" Hajime greeted her as well.

"Makoto told me you were expecting a baby. I'm excited to meet her!" Said Hajime as he beamed.

"Ah, yes yes, I am! I have at least 3 more months. I wanna hurry and get her out. I have a lot of work and take care of these 2 gremlins." Miori ruffles Makoto's hair.

"I see. Well, Congrats on your pregnancy. I have high hopes that she'll probably look a lot like Makoto." Hajime smirked.

"Oh hush." Makoto rolled his eyes.

"I've got some cooking to get to so, you 2 can do whatever you want upstairs. Makoto remember to take Megumi outside." Miori reminded her son.

"I know!" Makoto called as he went upstairs.

"When does Kyutai come back from work?" Hajime asked Miori as she was walking back to the kitchen.

"3:15!" She said as she continued cooking.

Soon after waiting a bit, Makoto came downstairs with the puppy in hand. He was holding her collar firmly to keep her in place while going down the stairs. She was a gold yellow color with white, similar to the Shiba Inu. She had a broad chest and head like a Pitbull. Her tail was curled up and she had brown eyes. Her ears were pointed up and she was medium haired. She even had a pink collar with a silver chain as a leash.

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