S is for Secrets

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Is was '7:49', Makoto and Sayaka were already in her dorm room doing what she's wants, to make-out. Now before you call her a slut or something she was doing this for other reasons, not because she liked him or wanted him back.

They've been like this for 10 minutes already, Sayaka was in his lap, in a hug-sit position, kissing. Makoto was shirtless and Sayaka had her undergarments on.

Makoto then pulled away from her and lowered his brows a bit, showing slight annoyance. Sayaka looked at the boys face and saw some of her pink lipstick on his lips. Her eyes widened a bit of embarrassment.

"Ah, sorry, looks like I've gotten ahead of myself..I'll get you a wet tissue." She nervously giggled as she removed herself from his lap and walking into her bathroom.

"Mhm." Makoto acknowledged her statement apathetically.

She came back out with a wet tissue and wiped his face with it, rubbing off the lipstick. Makoto didn't mind in the least, even though he was about through with her.

"There your free to go now." Sayaka smiled. Makoto rolled his eyes and got up before grabbing his shirt and pulling it over his head and in his arms go, in the sleeves. He then left.

Walking to his room, Makoto unlocked it with the key he had and walked inside. Same as he left it, of course. He threw the key on his bed and walked straight into his bathroom before he nude himself and began to run the water for his shower.

After his shower he began looking for clothes, what should he wear today?

Naegi pulled out a sky blue hoodie with black Japanese writing on it, it said 'You gotta Believe'. Awesome.

Then he took out some black jeans, they'll do. And finally he got some sky blue crocs. He didn't want to spend too much time on clothes. After pulling on the hoodie and jeans, he pulled on some white socks and then slid his feet into the shoes.

Going back into the bathroom, he took a took in the mirror and brushed his hair. Then he sprayed on some cologne and walked back out, he had already brushed his teeth before seeing Maizono so no need for that.

He walked out his dorm room and pulled his hoodie over his head and began walking towards the cafeteria.

On his way, he heard someone say something to him.

"Hey, are you ok?" A voice asked of him, they sounded very soft, until he looked up and saw them.

Is was a boy with black hair with blue highlights on the bottom, his hair was shoulder lengthened. He had teal eyes and a round face. Along with very long eyelashes. He had a pink flower in his hair, it made him look very feminine. He seemed to be around Makoto's age. He was also a bit taller.

"Yea, I'm good." Makoto nodded.

"That's good. By the way, I'm Ayaki Fukase. The Super HighSchool Level Botanist. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself.

"Oh, I'm Naegi Makoto, Super HighSchool Level Luck." Makoto introduced himself as well.

"And this is my friend, Kutta Buuri, She's the Super HighSchool Level Puppeteer." Fukase pointed at his friend.

Buuri was a girl with a pale white face, dark brown eyes, small freckles on her nose, and long black hair. She also had light makeup, blush, eyeliner, and lipgloss. Her face was also rounded. She was shorter then Fukase, likely Makoto's height.

"Hi." She said quietly.

"Hey." Makoto greeted her back.

"So, like, do you want us to sit with you?" Fukase asked Makoto.

Lilac's Flower Bed{Naegiri}Where stories live. Discover now