Visitors of Naegi?

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It was the weekend..

"Goddammit, Makoto, get your ass cheeks in here!" Komaru yelled from her room.

Makoto walked up the stairs and pushed his sister's door open.

"What?" Makoto asked.

"What. The. Hell. Is. This." Komaru picked up a chewed cord that was supposed to connect to her battery charger.

"A cord." He said.

"Duh, dumbass. I mean what's wrong with it?!" She screamed.

"It's chewed. Maybe the dog did it?" He shrugged.

"You were supposed to be watching her!" Komaru exclaimed.

"Komaru, you're getting mad at me for something the dog did?" Makoto furrowed his brows.

"Your lazy ass was in there napping instead of taking her on a walk! Mom reminded you!"

"Well, why didn't you take her!"

"It's your job! She's YOUR dog!"

"That doesn't mean shit!"

"I take Tankirou out for walks! Speaking of Tankirou, how do you know it wasn't her?!" He retorted.

"She listens and follows expectations! She's older than Megumi!"

"No FUCKING shit, Holmes!"

Komaru jumped at Makoto and began grabbing him by his shirt and hitting him in the head.

Makoto grabbed her by her hair and pulled her to the ground, he then started punching her in her back and then he accidentally hit her in the neck.

Komaru pushed him off her and crawled into the corner between her bed and her wall whilst crying.

Makoto huffed and picked up the cord and threw it at her.

"Buy your own cord." He growled before walking towards the door.

"Get out of my fucking room!" She sobbed.

Makoto got out of her room but, instead of closing the door, he slammed it.

"What's going on up there?!" Miori called.

No one answered.

Miori got up from the chair she was sitting in and walked up the stairs to Komaru's room.

She opened the door only to see her little girl, crying.

"Komaru, what's wrong?" Miori's demeanor screamed worry.

"Makoto p-punched me i-in my neck." She said between sobs.

"Makoto!" Miori called.

Makoto walked in with his brow still furrowed, he was upset.

"Why did you punch your sister in her neck?" Miori asked as she held Komaru in her arms.

"She got mad at me for something one of the dogs did and then she lunged at me! What was I supposed to do?!" He argued.

"Not punch her in the neck!" Miori furrowed her brows and turned back to Komaru whilst rubbing her back.

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