Investigation: Start

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"You can't be upset at him forever, Hinata-Kun," Nagito said as he leaned forward and looked at him with his hands in his coat pockets.

"He started it though.." Hajime grumbled under his breath.

"Now, now, Hinata. It's never polite to not forgive. Ever heard of forgive and forget? Who knows if you too could be friends!" Nagito curved his lips into a sweet smile with his eyes closed.

Hajime ignored him as they continued walking down the corridor together.

As they walked together in silence, Hajime noticed Kyoko talking to Leon and it seemed that she wasn't too happy..

Leon then left with a saddened look.

Kyoko crossed her arms and averted her gaze.

"Good Morning, Kirigiri-San." Hajime greeted her as he approached.

"Good Morning, Kirigiri!" Nagito waved as he approached as well.

"Morning." She replied softly.

"What was with you and Kuwata?" Nagito asked as he tilted his head.

Hajime ignored the conversation and went on his phone.

"..." Kyoko didn't say anything, she merely blinked.

"Kirigiri-San?" Nagito called her again.

"Hinata-Senpai, come with me." She ordered as she took his hand and pulled him aside.

Nagito looked at them before shrugging and waiting patiently as he leaned against a locker.

"What's up?" Hajime raised a brow, clearly, he was a bit confused.

"You're close with Naegi, I can trust you to at least tell you this.." She looked up at him with a trustworthy gaze.


"I was merely walking down the hallway and Kuwata walked up to me, since we're dating, he has tried to kiss me before. I told him that I didn't want to. And today.." She sighed. "Let's just say he was catching me off guard before he kissed me." Kyoko pinched the bridge of her nose and furrowed her brows a bit.

"Oh." Hajime glanced around the room, not knowing what else to say.

"Now, when we exit this area, tell Komaeda that it's nothing important." She gave him a serious gaze, she wasn't playing.

"Yes, Ma'am," Hajime muttered.

She nodded in acknowledgment before walking off.

Hajime wasn't going to lie, she was very pretty. And he really liked her eyes, although he wasn't into her like that. He wasn't so sure about having a girlfriend who would constantly boss him around.

After stalling for a bit, Hajime exited the area and walked up to Nagito. He perked his head up to the sound of Hajime's footsteps.

"So?" Nagito raised a brow.

"It was nothing important. Top Secret." He joked.

"Oh, I won't push you too far." Nagito shrugged before standing up straight and putting his arm around Hajime's neck, resting on his shoulder.

"Get your arm off me..." Hajime gave Nagito a glare.

With Little Miss Detective..

Kyoko was walking up and down the corridors and stairs, place to place, and whilst doing that, of course, the stoic face she had.

She was collecting information for her new case and also searching for Makoto.

At the moment, she was in her father's office while he wasn't there. Looking through the computer and printing out a file.

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