Mental Pain

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Walking towards the house she lived in, Kyoko took out her key and turned it whilst it was in the keyhole of the door and opened it.

She walked inside the house and closed the door behind before she turned the opposite to see her father.

He was sitting at the dining room table and holding his head with his hands as they shook with anxiety.

He turned his head to her.

"Kyoko! Where have you been?!" He exclaimed as he furrowed his brows.

"Out." She replied as she glanced behind her, indicating the door.

"Now's not the time for your sassy remarks, Kyoko! I've been worrying that you've been taken or something!" Jin stood from the chair.

"I've been with Naegi at his house." She rolled her eyes.

"Naegi?" He lifted a brow.

"Never mind that. What did you need?" She crossed her arms.

"I wanted to speak with you about what happened years ago." He wiped his forehead.

Kyoko sighed in frustration and was about to walk away before Koichi grabbed her arm.

Kyoko looked behind her to see Koichi furrowing his brows and looking her dead in the eyes.

"You should listen to him." He said sternly.

Kyoko's muscles went from tense to relaxed as she walked towards the dining room and and sat on the couch near Jin before he had stood and walked over to her.

"Kyoko," He began.

"I know you love Fuhito. But, I have to tell you the truth. When you were little and Kanae had passed, Fuhito did not let you see her because he was more concerned about training you and he thought you seeing your dying mother would interfere."

He inhaled.

"He tried to encourage you to hate me which may be why you dislike me to this day. And he stole you from me, making me miserable. I left that family because they were too strict and just..too much for me to handle. I already lost my wife and child..I had nothing but, Koichi with me. Fuhito was so determined to make you his heir and he was making it too intense. When he trained me, he wasn't THAT intense. I guess me not wanting to be a detective made him think the same of you." He looked her in the eyes.

"That's the problem.." She mumbled.


"The way they looked at me, Jin. They saw me as 'The Girl whose Father Left Her'. Every minute of the day, I was living under your..cursed shadow.  They've always underestimated me!" She raised her voice.

"Kyoko I-"

"You'd never understand how embarrassed I was..How angry I felt to be put under your shadow!"

As she said that, tears had stung Kyoko's eyes a bit. That's when she cracked..again.

Kyoko began sobbing. She covered her face with her gloved hands and pulled her knees up to her head.

Jin frowned with guilt as he walked towards her and sat down beside his daughter. He wrapped an arm around Kyoko as he pulled her to his chest.

Koichi gave Jin a simper before walking out the door and leaving the 2 together.

"I'm sorry, Kyoko." He said softly.

"I-I don't want y-your p-pity.." She choked between her sobs.

She was merely pushing away the affection he was giving. That was just Kyoko being a tsundere, she does this when she's crying. She'll say she doesn't want you to pity her or comfort her when really, she does. She pushes her feelings away to pursue her duties. That was the Kirigiri way.

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