It's just a Transfer

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That same morning..

{Extra Lessons for The Unlucky - Masafumi Tadaka}

Makoto was quietly walking down the corridors to reach his locker as he listened to something. He was listening to Extra Lessons for the Unlucky, he was kinda into metal. He bobbed his head to the beat as he stuffed his hands into his jean pockets. He had decided to wear some light colored clothing today.

A light olive green hoodie and sky blue colored ripped skinny jeans and white sneakers. Makoto didn't see it but, he could sense something approaching him from behind. He pulled out one of the earbuds from his left ear and looked behind him.

He saw Aoi sprinting toward him at full force no remorse. Makoto's eyes widened at the sight. Aoi then dunked on him and placed her arm around his neck and beamed.

"Naeggs! Wassup!" She greeted him with full hospitality.

"Hey, Hina." He sheepishly smiled back at the tanned girl.

"So I heard we having a transfer student today this morning!" Aoi said as she released his neck and stood in front of him while buoyantly walking backwards, she was pretty good at it too.

"Oh, cool! I can't wait to meet them." Makoto said as he gave her a simper. Makoto was happy but, a little nervous to meet them.

"Cool beans! I gotta go so I'll see ya later, Yea?" Aoi said as she tilted her head.

"Yea." Makoto nodded. Aoi held a thumbs up before running off. Makoto shook his head playfully before looking to the side and seeing Kyoko with Leon?

Leon was walking close to her, he placed his arm around her shoulder and it looks like they were talking, though it seemed he was flirting instead of actually talking. Kyoko rolled her eyes at him at some point before being pulled closer by Leon's arm that he lowered to her waist.

Makoto shrugged and put the earbud back in his ear and continuing his journey to his locker.

On the left of the Hallway..

"Cmon Bae! Why not!" Leon whined a bit.

"Because I don't know you like that. How do I know you won't make a dirty move?" Kyoko glared at him.

"I promise I won't. I wanna make you comfortable." Leon smiled heartwarming at her.


"Baby, listen..I really like you! Your beautiful, smart and I'm not gonna lie I like your fashion! Your fashion says a lot about you and trust me on this, your actually the first girl I truly liked by heart. All the others I dated were just beggars and were obsessed with me. I promise I won't do anything to hurt you or your feelings. Just please..give me chance?"

Leon didn't beg but, he was desperate to get to know Kyoko. He frowned from how cold she was being at this point. Kyoko looked away from his eyes and thought for a moment.

Leon was being nice and he was being comforting..a bit. Kyoko sighed of defeat knowing she would win this little non-stop debate.

"..Fine. But, it's only 1 date, I'm not usually the one to decline anyway." Kyoko exhaled. Leon's smiled glimmered of excitement as he squealed a bit.

"Awwwwww, Kirigiri! Your so sweeeeettttttt!" He squealed as he repeatedly kissed her left cheek while hold her close by her shoulder.

"Uh-huh.." She said monotonously as she tried pulling away from him giving her wet kisses all over her cheek.

As they walked to class the 2 started talking about interests, what they do at home, how they live, pets, clothes et cetera. That's until Kyoko realized that Leon was actually a very upbeat and kind person who wants to achieve his goal to become a singer.

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