Ready for a Sleepover?

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That same day after School, Makoto was finishing his homework in his dorm, at his desk, His dorm was filled with the Collectible figures and posters that he had at home. Before attending, everyone got a chance to decorate their dorm however they liked. Makoto had a bookshelf of organized manga, posters of vocaloid, Funko Pop's of anime characters, and figures.

His bed was a light green and his walls were black. His carpet was green as well. He was a bit of a weeb, huh? Anyway, he was focused on his difficult math homework, that was his weakest subject. But, with a calculator he managed to get most of the answers right. After finishing, he sighed of relief that he had no more work and spinned his chair opposite of his desk as he slouched.

He then picked himself up and off the chair and walked towards his bed before flopping onto it and grabbing his phone. He unlocked it and tapped on Hajime's name to text him.

Me: heyyyyyy I'm done :)

Haji😁: k

Me: wyd 👀

Haji😁: watchin TV

Me: oki doki

Me: I was gonna ask if you wanna have a sleepover with me & Komaeda-Senpai

Haji😁: Makoto 😡

Me: wut?

Haji😁: I don't want that bastard anywhere near me

Me: 🥺

Haji😁: bruh

Me: plsssss Hajiiiiiii do it for meeee 😭

Haji😁: ...
2 minutes ago

Haji😁: fine 🙄


Haji😁: yea yea wutevr

Me: thx Haji

Haji😁: mhm

Makoto smiled ear-to-ear as he got up and placed his phone in his shorts pocket. He went out of his room and began to skip along the corridors. He was headed to the Cafeteria.

One foot before another as he went. He was beaming his tail off because now he got to spend time with his old friend. As he skipped, he turned a corner and saw Kyoko coming from the library. He stopped to say hi.

"Hey, Kiri!" He said as he smiled.

"Hello. What's gotten you in the mood to be hopping down the hallways like a little rabbit?" She asked as she placed one hand on her hip.

"I'm having a sleepover! Me and Hajime and Komaeda!" He held up his hands in the air like a child who was finally getting what they wanted. Kyoko gave him a small smile.

"That's quite nice. I hope you enjoy yourself, Naegi." She said as she waved him off and began heading out. She was leaving and going home to her father.

"Bye-Bye!" He said happily before continuing his little journey to the Cafeteria.

He then remembered he had to invite Komaeda as well. It's a good thing he saw him in the hallway that same afternoon and they exchanged numbers. Makoto opened his phone as he walked around and began to text Nagito.

Me: hey Kou 😁

Kou☺️: oh hey Naegi! I see you've given me a nickname!

Me: yea if it's alright with u! Once we become good friends I'll call you Nagi!

Kou☺️: no no I don't mind in the least 😌

Me: great! Btw I was wondering if you wanna have a sleepover with me & Hajime!

Lilac's Flower Bed{Naegiri}Where stories live. Discover now