A Wise Detective

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Kyoko was done with school for today. She did unfortunately get a small lecture from her teacher in science but, she didn't really mind. She respected those who were older than she was and respected their opinions..most of the time.

She took the train home today. She was on the street of where she lived so she decided to walk the rest of the way. She had finally reached her destination and unlocked the front door with the key in her slender gloved hands and turned it right.

It unlocked.

Walking inside the house, Kyoko was greeted by her cat, Rinya.

He trotted towards her and brushed his body against her long legs. Whilst head butting them as well. Kyoko bent down and scratched underneath the tabby's chin.

"Good Afternoon, Rinrin." Kyoko gave him a small smile as she lowered her hand to the lower part of his back and scratching there too.

Pulling her hand away from her feline friend, she stood back up again and walked into the kitchen. Looking straight ahead, Kyoko walked towards the refrigerator and opened. Nonchalantly scanning beverage options. Maybe some orange juice? No, Jin didn't have the brand she liked. Coffee? She had that this morning. She didn't want any milk at the moment.

She closed the door before looking up at the cabinets. She opened the one just above the refrigerator. Opening the door of the cabinet by its knob, her plum colored eyes landed on some tea. Green tea. Her favorite. She grabbed the packet of tea and grabbed her mug. It was her personal mug. It read 'I'm not cold, just selective..'.

She poured some boiling hot water into the mug before inserting the tea bag. Going back for some milk, Kyoko turned her back. Her skirt and hair swung behind her as she swiftly turned. Rinya walked over to the mug, he could smell the amazing aroma of Green Tea from out the mug.Whilst Kyoko not looking, the Tom lowered his head to the mug and began drinking the hot tea.

Kyoko turned back around and saw him drinking her tea. Kyoko took her gloved hand and moved his head.

"Rinya, no. This is for me, go drink something else." Kyoko said calmly. Careful not to seem too dominant and controlling. The cat was 3 years old. He was a full grown tabby and he could make his own choices as well.

Rinya moves his head away from the mug and leaped off the counter, onto the floor, hoping to follow Kyoko whenever she was going.

Kyoko poured some of the milk in the mug and then put it away. She looked back at the mug with tea in it and saw the milk and tea mix together to make a dull color. It looked pretty cute though.

Grabbing the mug, Kyoko walked out the kitchen and toward her room door. She gently pushed it open before walking in.

She placed the mug on her nightstand and pulled out her phone, unlocking it, and opening iMessage. She tapped on Makoto's name and texted him.

Me: ur probably wondering wut I had to tell you, yes?

Egghed: yea

Me: you see..there's an investigation I'm doing and needed a partner

Me: normally I'd do it alone but, if anyone knew it was me they would report it to my father and I'd be in trouble

Me: so I chose u

Me: r u up for it?

Egghed: um

Egghed: am I allowed to think it thro?

Me: yes

Egghed: awesome sauce dude 😎

Me: dork 😗

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