Wrong encounter

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"Are you certain?" Azef still seemed plenty skeptical.

A faint throbbing sensation pulsed through my skull, "Look, I'm confused as well." I treated myself while looking in the mirror across the wall. With steady hands, I carefully cleaned the wound with an alcohol pad, "On that note," I glanced at Azef, "The final selection goes through you, meaning you hired the boy,"

"Yeah," He answered, "So?"

"So he's definitely a man?" I pressed a sterile gauze pad against the wound, "Did you check everything carefully?"

He nodded, "No doubt there," His eyes wandered off, "His ID was attached to his CV, the government has stated he's a male."

I let out a sigh, and secured the dressing on the side of my head, "Damn it..." I pulled my face away in annoyance as I threw the masking tape on the desk, "Why a man!?" I slumped against the back of the chair.

"So what if he's a man?" Azef smirked and I looked at him, "Boss, where there is a hole there is a way."

"..." I looked at him dumbfounded for a second. Then it got on my nerves. This little! I grabbed the crystal ashtray from my desk and raised it to throw it at him and he took a defensive position.

"Get out," I stopped myself and put the ashtray down, "Go oversee the employees." I gestured with my hand to shoo him away.

"Fine," He straightened up, "No need to get grumpy," He turned around to leave, "At least you have a mate." He began to walk and I felt bad.

"Hey," I wanted to say something but nothing came to mind and he left the room, "Tch," I clicked my tongue and sat back down on the chair.




The CEO didn't come out, even though the director went in and came out, he didn't say anything. I mean he didn't say anything to me verbally. But when Azef left the Boss's office I noticed him stop and look at me.

It scared me for a second but then he just left without saying anything and now the day has ended. I didn't do much, I was just told to observe and so I just walked around the office to observe anyone who was working.

I have to say, I didn't learn anything.

Matthew didn't leave his office and although I was the one who hit him, I got worried too. I hit him hard enough that his head bled. Shouldn't he get that checked? Or treat it? But he never left the office...

"See you tomorrow," Chris came over and waved at me, startling me a little. I didn't notice her approaching me. I guess I was too absorbed thinking about Matthew.

"Sure," I turned to her and waved back, "See you tomorrow." We then walked to the main lobby together and I noticed a young girl, about seventeen years old waiting by the street light pole. Chris walked over to her and they began to leave together in the opposite direction to me.

Are they sisters? They look a lot like each other. But they look like they're a decade apart or something... I didn't pay much attention to it though and walked my way back to the tiny apartment I was renting while I was here in the city.

I didn't need much for myself so I rented a pretty old building. It feels like it would collapse if an earthquake came but at least the place is clean. The tiny place only has a bedroom, a bathroom, and a living room mixed with a kitchen. I walked to the second floor of the three-story building and took out the key to open the door.

Just as I inserted the key, the door of my neighbor opened and I turned my head to look at the person who was coming out. As I unlocked the door, a man came out of the apartment next door and turned his head to me.

As I caught sight of him, a mix of emotions surged within me. It was an exhausting day and I never thought that it had the power of turning even worse.

"Oh?" He stopped when he noticed me, "You must be the new neighbor." He passed me a smile, "Nice to meet you." He raised his hand to give me a quick wave.

I guess he didn't recognize me, but it only took me a second to remember him. How could I ever forget that freckled face and those dirty red hair of his? It was as if time stood still, and I found myself transported back to the moments of vulnerability and insecurity I had experienced.

The first feeling that washed over me was a pang of fear and I stood frozen in my place.

"Ah," He looked back at his door, "I'm Dani," He introduced himself as if I needed to know him. The memories of being targeted and ridiculed resurfaced, making me feel defenseless and exposed.


I had just prayed today that I don't run into someone from my past, so why? Why are you doing this to me?! And of all the people, it had to be this piece of trash.

"Hello?" He took a step closer to me and I flinched, "Are you okay?" He knitted his eyebrows together and stared at me, "Wait a minute..." My heartbeat began to accelerate, "Have we met before?" I found myself feeling nauseous all over again.

A mix of emotions surged within me, stirring up memories of past pain and discomfort, "No," I turned my head away and opened the door to my apartment.

"Hey!" He acted like he was in full mood to talk to me but I immediately went in and slammed the door shut behind me, immediately locking it as well.

The years of distance had not erased the scars left by their actions and just seeing him again made me feel nauseous. I walked to the bedroom and shut that door too, locking it and sliding against it out of horror.

Mixed with the fear and anxiety was a sense of anger, "Why?" I crouched on the floor and buried my face in the gap between my knees and chest, "Why did I have to meet the person who bullied me so badly here?! Just why!?!"

Was what happened at the office not enough?

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