The one in trouble pt 2

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"I need his sponsorship."

The words hung in the air, a macabre justification for the impending act of brutality. The blade gleamed ominously, a reflection of the peril that loomed. Time seemed to elongate, each heartbeat echoing like a somber drum, marking the inevitability of the impending betrayal.

With all that's happened in my life, I shouldn't be this surprised, yet I couldn't comprehend it. I still couldn't believe this was happening to me.

The backdrop of Murim's smirk intensified the surreal horror, a puppet master reveling in the orchestrated chaos. He has always hated me, but this was the first time he caused me physical harm.

The minion of his and I locked gaze, both of our pupils shaking.

"Where are the extras!? Extras!!" An unfamiliar voice caught up to us, followed by approaching footsteps.

Someone was coming our way.

The dimly lit backstage area was plunged into sudden chaos as the hurried footsteps of approaching staff echoed in the corridor. My attackers, realizing that their sinister deed was about to be exposed, swiftly turned on their heels and darted away, disappearing into the shadows with an adrenaline-fueled escape.

Both the minions were gone before Murim, who took his time standing up from his seat.

Pain was numbing my thoughts and my mind but I clearly remember how he shook his head at me pitifully before he turned to leave.

The searing pain from the unexpected stab wound radiated through me, I clutched at my side, feeling the warm stickiness of blood beneath my fingertips.

Oh Lord...

Why am I the one who always gets stuck in the worst of situations? Just why?

"Hey! Have you seen the extra actors?" Panic surged, not just from the physical injury but from the sudden realization that my cover was at risk as the distant voices came closer.

The hurried footsteps of the staff drew closer, echoing off the cold walls.

Fear knotted in my stomach,

Oh No..

I have to make a run for it too

Fueled by a surge of adrenaline, I stumbled away, every step a wince-inducing reminder of the concealed dagger in my side. Funny how they were so afraid they completely forgot about the knife they plunged into me.

The pulsating pain in my side matched the rhythm of my pounding heart, still I kept going. I had to,

If I get caught, I won't just get banned from entering shooting sites but I'm also at a risk of exposure.

Anyone who would see my wound would want to help and to help they might want to undress me.

I can't afford that. I can't risk exposing who I really am. Especially not at a place where Murim is,

I kept going, my mind going hazy, the surroundings seemed to dance, but right before unconsciousness hit me, I spotted an escape route.

There was an unguarded door ajar that seemed to lead into a storage space. I had no time to stand and think, so I slipped into the storage room that had another door leading to the back alley.

The pain in my side throbbed, and I winced, my breath catching. I stood in front of the other door and tried to open it but it didn't budge.

It was stuck.

Every creak of the door and muffled conversation outside sent shivers down my spine. The door looked like it hadn't been used for ages, that's probably why it was so hard to open it.

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