My name

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The weight of their stories settled in my chest like a heavy stone. As I listened to the harrowing details of the pasts, a profound sorrow washed over me, creating ripples of anguish that echoed in the chambers of my own emotions.

The struggles they had faced stemmed from their own parents' blunders.

"I see..." I sighed. The director sure went through a lot of shit as well. The underworld took Matthew as a kid and Azef soon followed him.

The storm of conflicting feelings settled into a deep well of compassion. Makes me understand why Matthew and Azef are so close as well

"Has he found his mate yet?" I asked, "You said all werewolves have a soulmate." Well, all the ones that were able to shift do. So the director must have one too, right?

Matthew didn't reply

"Matthew?" I looked at him, we were sitting on the same three seater couch with a one seat gap between us.

He looked at me, "He did..."

"Did?" I found it suspicious, "And?" I looked at him, "I've never seen her."

"She's dead,"

My heart dropped, "OH,"

"So make sure you don't ever mention that in front of him..." He looked away.


I understood it well and nodded. The conversation was followed by silence which was broken by Matthew

"There's something I've been wanting to ask you for a while,"

"Yes?" I looked at him

"You stopped using your fake voice," He smiled, "For a while now,"


"Ah, yes," It happened without me paying much attention to it,

"But there's something else that you never did,"


I looked at him with a question mark face

"Something I never did?" I was puzzled, "What?"

He came closer to me, "You never told me your real name,"

There was a pause as my eyes went wide

My real name?

My heart skipped a beat

"W-why my real name all of the sudden?" I looked at him nervously,

"Why not?" He asked, "That's YOUR name," He took my hands in his, "And I want to call you by your name."

I felt shy but at the same time a little awkward, "My real name is a little weird," My gaze dropped,

"I know it won't be,"

"How can you be so sure?" I pouted,

"Because you keep labeling the most prettiest things as weird."


My heart did a flip and a blush swept across my face, "No... It really is a weird name..." I couldn't meet his gaze, "My parents wanted to name their kids on Greek mythology."

"Oh?" He seemed excited, "I'm sure it's good then, Greek God?"

"And they chose muses,"

"I'm still sure it's a great name," He insisted and I knew I couldn't back down.

My real name... It hasn't been called in years.

I gulped and looked further down, "Calliope," I whispered. I said it so lightly I wasn't sure he'd even hear it.

"Calliope," He smiled, "I love it," Making my heart beat faster. I looked at him and saw him staring at me. My heartbeat rose and I sensed the tension between us immediately.

His hands came to my face and neck, his touch was like a whisper against my skin, fingers tracing a delicate path from my cheek to the nape of my neck. A spark of electricity lingered in his caress, and when his other thumb brushed my lower lip

Our eyes met, creating a silent dialogue. His gaze drew me closer. As if in response to an unspoken invitation, his lips hovered over mine, breath mingling in the small space between us.

I lowered my gaze to his lips and the distance shortened while my heart drummed.

The door flung open


Our lips had barely grazed when the violent bang of the door made me jump away from Matthew.


Matthew's mood dropped and his expressions turned foul. He turned his head to look at the person at the door, ready to mangle him.

"Look," It was Azef, "I know I didn't come at the best time but, it's best if we leave for the city."

Matthew stood up, he looked at his brother but they didn't share any conversation. They just kept looking at each other till the point I got it.


I sighed.

They're talking alright, I stood up, they're just not including me. Fine then, I let out a deep breath and began to make my way away from them when Mathew caught my wrist.

"We should leave together."

"Hmm?" I raised my brows at him, "Leave?" I eyed him, "For the city?"

"Yes," He then paused, "Or you could stay here till the time I take care of things, there is no space safer than here."

"Matthew," I stepped closer to him as Azef quietly slipped away, "Why did you exclude me from the conversation."

He was a little surprised I caught on

"I know you both talked about something. What is it?" I could tell something was off. Why else would they exclude me from their conversation?

Matthew stared back without a word. His gaze bore into mine, and for a moment, I felt a flicker of unease. There was an intensity in his eyes, a hesitancy that betrayed an internal struggle. I couldn't help but wonder what he was holding back.

"Come on," I tugged my arm that he was holding, "Just say it."

As I met his uncertain gaze, his brows furrowed slightly, "I'm saying this to keep you safe."

"Okay," I replied, "But tell me what it is,"

"I will," His grip got firmer, "But promise me you'll agree to stay here,"

I frowned, "Stay here?" I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion, "While you go back to the city alone?"

"Not alone," He replied, "But without you,"

I yanked my arm away, "Why?"

"Because this is the safest place for you."

"From what?" I folded my arms as the anxiety in my chest rose, "From What Matthew?" We both looked at each other's faces.

"From what's about to happen," He let out a soft breath.

"And that is?" I already had an idea what was coming for me but listening to it still made my heart drop and my stomach churn.

"Silas Soma is coming for you,"

It was finally here

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