Trouble begins

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I was sitting in the hotel lounge when the news about the Head Hunter came on. On the request of the people sitting there the volume was turned on and raised.

Everyone was pretty relaxed that the serial killer causing terror among common people had finally been caught.

I picked up my glass from the round table in front of me to take a sip of my drink.


It was quite amusing to see that the killer was a half-wolf working under Matthew. She might never have gotten caught if she didn't kill her own daughter. Matthew was quite attached to that kid.

I licked my lips and swirled the glass around in my hands as the reporters rushed to question Chris who was being transferred after the court hearing.

"Why did you do it?" The reporters asked.

"What were your motives behind the murders?"

"Did you kill your own daughter to avoid suspicion?"

"Why go after a boy?" A reporter asked and Chris stopped, "There was a certain pattern to your killings, and it was always women, why go after a boy this time?"


I paused


Chris was right next to the van she was about to be shoved into, but she still turned around and looked up. Her gray eyes were clear and wide as she stared back at the reporter who asked the question, "A boy?" My heart dropped, "I never chased a boy."

"Wait, so that victim who got away wasn't a boy?"

"No," She passed a triumphant smirk and I felt a little pang of guilt. The officer then shoved her into the car while the reporters got frantic.

Oh Holy...

I talked to Murim because it never crossed my mind that something like this could happen. I looked away from the screen. I'll just pretend my meeting with Murim never happened. If Matthew finds out I gave him the location of Clio's workplace, he'll bite my head off.

Most of the reporters had no idea who the last survivor was but one of the reporters did. A female reporter, from another channel. And as she called out Clio's name, naming him and bearing him in front of the world. The others immediately copied her and the male news reporter of the Channel we were watching made his statement as well.

"So apparently that last victim who turned into a survivor, Clio Pane, was never a boy to begin with but rather a girl in disguise. No one knows why she goes around acting and dressed as a male but unfortunately for her, she still couldn't escape the eyes of the Head Hunter but fortunately for us, Clio turned into a survivor and lived to tell the tale."

I was a little taken aback by that too. Considering Clio is already in trouble and is trying to hide from the soma's, this will definitely expose her.

"Shit," I let out a low curse but it came out along with someone else cursing with me at the exact same time.

"Oh Shit,"

I looked to my side, about only a step back from the couch I sat on, stood a blonde handsome man. He heard me curse too and turned his head down towards me


"Detective Harou," I passed him a smile.

"Zhou-Lin," He wasn't pleased to see me but I could say the same.

"What brings you here?" I asked

He looked back at the TV, "You," He answered as he watched the reporters make a whole fuss about the case.

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