Escape the killer

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My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach.

I immediately turned on my feet to run and she responded the same way and launched herself after me. My heart began to pound and my eyes were wide as I ran with all my might.

The only advantage I got was that I started running without a warning and I didn't look back.

OH MY GOD!!!! WHAT!?!?

That scythe! That's something she's been using to kill her victims all along! But I don't think anyone thought much of it since it's used in the garden.

The rain painted a silver sheen on the labyrinth of alleys, each puddle reflecting the muted glow of distant streetlights. The urgent patter of raindrops on cobblestones created a rhythm that underscored the urgency of my flight. In the obsidian cloak of the night, every alley became a potential refuge or a perilous dead-end.

I ran like crazy but I didn't have to look back to know I was being chased. I could hear the splashes of footsteps behind me. Heavy and determined.

Breathless, heart pounding, I navigated the twisting pathways, the chill raindrops mingling with the sweat on my skin as my heart caught speed. The city's murmur seemed distant, drowned by the symphony of my own ragged breaths and the persistent downpour.

All of the things connected. Dave and Lily didn't come to City D for the meeting that day when Lily was killed. Just like they hadn't been coming for many of the meetings before. Chris did.

I remembered the conversation Matthew had on the phone with the director of the other company.

That's right, the director from the partner company called. He said the girl who used to come previously was someone. A blonde tall woman who was using the name Lily.

Chris used the opportunity of being in City D for a meeting and killed the store worker. No one would be able to guess it was her because she officially shouldn't even be there. The meeting was scheduled for the next day on a weekend when she doesn't even need to be in an office. So no one can report anything weird about her.

My heart drummed in my ears, so loudly I could hear them in the rain.

I recently asked myself, why would Chris refuse to go out of the blue for no reason? Was she perhaps fed up after covering for them for so long?


She refused to go at the last moment because she killed her daughter and had to make an alibi for herself. So she came to the gathering we had planned that Friday night.

The flickering glow of a neon sign offered a brief respite as I darted into a narrow passage, the air thick with the scent of wet asphalt.

The sound of my footsteps, muffled by the rain-soaked ground, became my only companion in this desperate ballet between survival and pursuit.

Shit! Shit! I have to get out of here! I have to get home!!!

The alley stretched ahead, an indistinct passage leading toward the safety of the house.


I hope Matthew came home!! If not him, I hope Azef's home!!!

Raindrops clung to my lashes, blurring the already dim surroundings, but the persistent sound of footsteps behind me kept the adrenaline pumping in my veins.

A distant clap of thunder echoed, adding a bass note to the relentless drumming of rain. With each twist and turn, the alleys morphed into a watery maze.

The killer, a malevolent shadow at my heels, spurred me to push beyond the limits of exhaustion.

The rain-soaked alleys led me astray, and with every hurried step, the familiar landmarks became elusive ghosts. I was frantic, I needed an escape and I ran like crazy for it, thinking I was going the right way.

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