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"I got cheated on," Clio said with a confused expression which turned into a frown while his words resonated in my ears.


He got cheated on? My eyes went wide for a moment, then before a wide smile took place I looked away. My shoulders shook for a moment as I controlled a laugh while my hand reached to cover my smirk.

He got cheated on!

I had to bite my lower lip to keep myself from smiling. I clenched my fist in excitement as the news was music to my ears. There was nothing else at the moment that could have made me happier.

Because this meant he was hurt and single.

I turned my head and noticed Clio had started to walk away. So I opened the driver's side door and got out. He heard that and stopped in his stance but I couldn't let him see me, not when I couldn't control this grin of mine, so I hurried up to him and wrapped him in my embrace just as he turned to look at me


"It's going to be okay."I told him as I held in a way that he couldn't look at my face, "That fool who cheated on you didn't even deserve you." My smirk widened, that's right. That fool, whoever it was, shouldn't even be near you.

You're mine and mine alone.

He clung to me and started to sniffle.

"It's okay," I caressed his head, "Everything's going to be fine." I could feel my heart starting to pound in happiness but I couldn't let him see my face. I was so excited that I started to fear that he would react badly if he found out that I was enjoying his misery. But how could I not? My wolf hummed in my mind and I had to put in a lot of effort to stop myself from humming in delight while my mate cried next to my chest.

I could feel his tears wet my shirt but I didn't mind it at all. I was just enjoying the fact that I got to hold him again on the same night.

Luckily, he seemed to have exhausted himself as well and fell asleep in my embrace. I picked him up and took him to his apartment. He was light for a man but maybe it was just because he was small.

As I reached the second floor I saw the neighbor, he was drunk and half asleep as he was trying to get into his apartment but I noticed his difficulty was also resulting from how he couldn't operate his hand right.

I turned to look at Clio's apartment, the door was locked but I didn't need to find his key since I had one made the last time I was here.

His door was open then but I knew that wasn't always going to be the case. I shifted Clio's weight on my left arm and reached for my coat's pocket, then opened the door with my key. It's just for scenarios like these. I don't intend to use it for anything bad, it's just an assurance.

That's all

Once in his room, I carefully laid him down on the bed, ensuring he was comfortable. The room was dimly lit, as I turned only the lamp on. The soft glow of the bedside lamp cast a warm aura in which I could see his face clearly, his eyes were red-rimmed from tears,

How adorable.

I pulled the covers over him, tucking him in like a protective shield but didn't move from his side for a while.'

As I sat beside him, I couldn't help but stare at his face. It felt good to see him fall asleep in my arms because it meant he wasn't scared of me anymore like he was in the beginning.

Gently, so as not to wake him up, I touched his cheek with my bent index, slowly sliding it towards his eyes where I caught a lingering tear.

"You're going to be mine now," I smiled as my wolf howled in glee, "I'm glad I didn't have to interfere and get you to break up with your lover." I slid the finger down to his lips and straightened my index finger to run it along his lower lip.

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