Her 'darling'

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The moment The detective held my wrist, I felt something intense, like a piercing gaze that made me glance at Matthew as I was being dragged away and I swear I saw those black eyes of his flash a bit.


I'm not hallucinating, am I? There was an angry expression on his face, right? But why? He looked like he was a little mad out of the blue? I shook my head. That doesn't make any sense though. He was fine just a second ago.

I was taken to the working area where Harou let my wrist go, "You know something." He looked back at me, "Spill it out." He looked at me intensely which made my mind go a buzz.

I shook my head at him, "No,"

"I can see the fear in your eyes." He spoke softly but I could sense the urgency in them, "You know something. Tell me what it is," His words were firm, "And don't lie to me."

For a moment, the words got caught up in my throat, then I shook my head again, "No..." I can't tell him. I get in trouble if I say anything. I should be getting caught, that cocktail-beautiful version of me appeared out of nowhere and then vanished the same way. No one should be able to catch me when that woman doesn't even exist!

"Then why are you so nervous?" He kept his eyes on me, observing every single detail.

"I just," I gulped, "I'm just nervous around the boss..."

"...." Harou watched me and I averted my gaze, which I knew was foolish but I couldn't help it. Then he stepped back, "Is that so?" He turned his head away with a sigh, "You're the intern, aren't you?"

"Yes..." I slowly looked back at him. That's it? He isn't going to pressure me more?

"You better start working on your expressions." He glanced at me, "Anyone can tell you're hiding something."


My heart skipped a beat at the way he looked at me. Panic welled up inside me, as I couldn't shake the feeling that he was onto something.

An alarm blared in my head and there was a feeling throbbing in my mind that Harou was highly suspicious of me and I had to change the subject.

"Are you really going to find that girl?" I asked, "That one the boss is asking about?"

"Yes," His answer came immediately, sending a boulder of doom down on me, making me feel like it was hard to breathe.

"I-I see," I ended up stuttering a little as my mind got filled with wild thoughts.

"But I'm not going to give her to Matthew." He replied, making me look at him while he fiddled with something on his phone.

"You're not?"

"Does it make sense," He kept his eyes on the phone screen, "He claims he's not involved with the mafia yet he wants to find the girl who fled with the files?" He glanced at me, "That only means danger for the girl."

"What are you going to do then?" I looked at him with some sort of desperation in my eyes.

And he looked back at me with a suspicious gaze, "I have my plans," He answered, "After I find her," He clicked his tongue, "But heed my words, boy, your face gives everything away."


A cold realization settled over me like a heavy shroud. I could feel my emotions on my face, so obviously he saw through that. He's suspicious of me but he's also being careful. And, he's not saying anything so I have no idea what he's going to do.

That just makes him dangerous as well.

And is he not going to ask anything more of me? Why?

"Detective," Matthew's voice made it to us, making us both look in that direction even though from where we were standing we couldn't see him, "Are you gay?"

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