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Finding a secluded spot, that was in a corner of the bathroom, I tried to steady my breathing, attempting to regain some semblance of composure. The fear was overwhelming, but I was trying my best to calm down.

Oh God... I don't even know how I managed to run away from the terrace.

When I locked eyes with him, an overwhelming sense of fear enveloped me, causing my heart to race and my breath to catch in my throat. His eyes, dark as midnight, seemed to pierce through my soul, and the red that trickled down his pale face made me nauseated. He didn't say anything, even when I stood up and ran away he didn't come after me.

But even as I moved away, I could still feel his eyes on me, like an indelible mark that would haunt me for a long time to come. The fear lingered, leaving me on edge, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched, even as he walked away.


What is he? A dog? He said I don't smell like a guy. That's such a weird thing to say! Well, he's definitely a pervert too. Who the hell touches a person's privates like that? My hands traveled to my pubic area and my cheeks got a little red.

I didn't get to see if he's the killer, but I know for sure that he's a pervert!!


I hope he didn't figure anything out! Oh God! I'm not only embarrassed, I'm scared as well. I was already terrified by the fact that he might be the killer and now more things have added to that fear. I pursed my lips as I frowned. But what did he mean by I don't smell like a man? He's a human being so how did he know that I'm not a man?


On that note, he didn't seem that sure. He did look at me and say, 'A guy!?' But why was he so frustrated? What did I do to him? It's not like we've met before!


Shivers went down my spine. We haven't met before unless we met that day in that dark alley... I gulped... But there's something odd. His behavior was a tad bit different. The way he looked at me sure scared the shit out of me but at the same time, his focus was different.

He could have thrown me down that terrace when he picked me up by my collar. It would have been pretty easy for him to get rid of me right then and there since there was no one else around as well. If it really was him in that alley, he would want to kill me, no? Instead, he seemed more worried about my gender?

My cheeks got pink again and I clenched my fists over my pubic area. What is going on here?! Why did he seem so frustrated? Does the Head Hunter not kill males?

I bit my lower lip, then it flashed through my wait


Come to think of it, so far, all the victims have been female! I crossed my arms as I paused to think about it. Did my appearance just save my life? Did he choose not to kill me just because I'm a guy?

A sarcastic yet disgusted look appeared on my face, "Huh," The killer is a pervert after all. I shook my head. If that really is the case, Matthew Merikh is an even bigger suspect.

I looked down at my pants.

He didn't follow me, so I guess he didn't find out that I'm not a guy. I looked in the mirror and let out a deep breath. I've already landed myself in some serious shit and it's beyond scary. When Matthew had me hovering in the air, I was so sure that he would throw me down the building that I had frozen from the fear. It didn't even last a second though since when he touched my privates I lost it and hit him with all my might.

I paused, then gulped.

I hit the CEO with all my might... I'm going to get in trouble now.


His head even bled! What if the whole company gets against me and starts hating me!? No one would care if I die if no one likes me... I bit my thumbnail. This is bad! But what do I do? I don't want to go back to him and apologize.

Why should I apologize to a serial killer? Fear gripped me again and it was so palpable that it made a mess out of my mind. But it's not a fact yet that he's The Head Hunter... Well, at least not yet.

OH SHIT! I grabbed my head and brought it down on the bathroom slab. What do I do now!?? It's just the first day and I'm so deep in shit!

Should I just run away?! I stood up straight and immediately began to walk towards the door to make a run for it, but stopped right before I opened it. I need the money for the hospital bills though... Nolan said I would also get paid a lot if I succeeded, plus I want to be with him too.

I brought my hand down to my side.

And if I don't succeed, won't he be disappointed in me? What if he chooses that bitch Cherelle over me?? But at the same time, the prospect of having to confront the unknown and the lurking danger is only intensifying my anxiety. My heart was pounding in my chest like a wild horse on fire.

I had so many questions but not a single answer!!! I think I might just die from the stress and fear before I can succeed!



As I caught sight of my mate for the first time, my heart seemed to skip a beat, and a rush of emotions surged through me. There was an undeniable magnetic pull, an instant connection that I couldn't ignore. It felt like the universe had conspired to bring us together, and I couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

I didn't think I would have a mate. Not me, I had given up. Everyone cursed me, saying there's no way a rogue would have a mate but here we are...

But it seems like the Moon Goddess wanted to have one last laugh as she gave me a male mate even though I'm straight. I guess she wanted to make fun of a rogue too. When I looked at that intern, I couldn't shake the confusion that washed over me. The struggle within me was real. I wasn't gay, and I had never questioned my sexual orientation before. The realization that I was undeniably attracted to another man was both perplexing and unsettling.

I shook my head, although there was something odd about his scent. He didn't exactly smell like a male...

I made it back to the office with my head still bleeding and grabbed some tissues from the tissue paper box.

"Ah damn..." I put them on the side of my head when the door opened, catching my attention. There were only two people who came in without knocking and I had an idea who it was from that.

Azef, the director, walked in with a document in his hand, his dusty gray hair and eyes matched in color while his height matched with mine. He paused as soon as he entered the office, smelling the air, he shot his head at me.

"MATTHEW!?!" He came rushing over while his eyes got glued to my head, "What happened!?!?" Initially, he was worried but as soon as he stood by my side he got angry, "Who did this!?!"

"Don't worry about it." I replied, "It's nothing big."

But it didn't calm him down, "I asked who did this?!"

"It was my fault," I assured him, "I did something to earn it."

He glared at me, "Don't spew nonsense." He caught the sight of the trails of blood that I left as I came from the terrace. They were just tiny droplets but it's easy for a werewolf to pick them up, "Something happened on the terrace?" He squinted his eyes in anger and suspicion, "That new intern came from the terrace as well." Furiosity took control of him and he turned around in wrath, "How dare he!!"

He was about to stomp off when I grabbed his shoulder, "Stop!" I knew very well how brutal Azef could get, I was the same after all, so I had to stop him.

"Why!?" He shot his head back and roared at me, "Don't stop me! I'm going to kill that puny boy!"

"Mate!" I yelled and he froze, his eyes widened at my words and he looked at me funny, "He's my mate." I said again, this time in a calmer voice.

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