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Panic tightened its grip on my chest, and the raindrops that clung to my lashes blurred the figure before me. Yet, there was no mistaking the intent gaze fixed upon me.

Time seemed to slow as fear rooted me to the spot. The killer's presence, like a phantom emerging from God knows where, sent shivers through my entire being. The darkened silhouette bore the weight of danger, a harbinger of the unknown.

I was in a trance and I probably wouldn't have gotten out of it if it wasn't for my phone which started ringing


I shook my head and my mind began to race. There was only one thing that went through my mind

I need to run!! I completely ignored my ringing phone and let go of the fence.

I shot my head and body around to go into my apartment but the moment I did turn around, I noticed the doorless place and my heart skipped a beat, then a wave of doom passed through my chest.

Shit!!! In the moment of pure panic, I forgot about there being no door.

I shot my head back and then looked down, only to see the killer gone. My heart rate went up and so did the panic in my mind.


Where the hell did he go?!?! I felt lost for a second but right the next moment, I heard the sound of those metal stairs thumping as someone ascended them.

My heart dropped.

Instinct kicked in, and without a second thought, I turned to the other direction and raced towards the second exit, the stairs on the other end weren't used by anyone since they were broken. It was a woodwork, covered in vines and weeds and I had no idea which part was broken but I ran down it anyway.

Right in the middle of the stairs, as my foot came in contact with the weed-covered area, the place cracked and fell.


My foot passed through the broken area there and I stumbled over. It was a harsh fall that sent me rolling down the rest of the steps. I fell on the muddy ground and something in my body definitely got a sprain.

"Uggh..." The frenzy didn't die though. My brain was all dizzy as I was back in the rain, the cold drops mingling with the heat of my fear. Adrenaline surged through my veins, propelling me to get myself to at least look back.

I got myself up a little as a sharp pain shot up in my body but the chemicals pumping in my veins allowed me to ignore that and look back up the stairs.


There he was.

Standing there on the topmost step, looking down at me.

The fear caused me to jump and stand up. I felt my heart come up to my throat and I turned around to make a run for it. I forgot about everything else and just picked up speed, despite the slick pavement beneath my feet. The sound of my own ragged breath and the rhythmic thud of footsteps behind me created a dissonant symphony of terror.

My brain went blank. There was so much pressure on it that it just chose to go numb and my body started working on autopilot.

I just kept running.

Heart pounding, breaths ragged, I ran through the rain-soaked streets, My mind, a whirlwind of anxiety, prevented me from registering my surroundings. I navigated the labyrinth of streets on autopilot, driven solely by the primal instinct to escape.

Only once after I had run like crazy did I look back to see if he was after me, but I found no one.

The wet glittery street behind me was empty.

The Head Hunter wasn't there. I had no idea if he even followed me or not but I didn't want to find out either. I just kept running before I ran out of fuel.

As I turned a corner, my breath caught in my throat. The imposing silhouette of a house loomed before me.

I had not realized this whole time where I was going. The only thing on my mind was to run but instinctively, my feet carried me to a familiar door.


I went ahead and stood on the porch, then pressed the bell like crazy, followed by hard banging as I kept looking behind me, afraid that I was followed but failed to realize it.

The rain didn't stop and so didn't I. I kept banging till I heard a voice from the other end.

"Hey! I'm coming!!"

And that's when I gave a break to my hand and shot my head around to look at the street again. All I saw was the rain pouring down and no sign of humans.

But the heavy rain had obstructed the views of corners, so I could never be sure.

The door opened and I shot my head around.

"Oh hey!" Azef stood there with a confused expression and I looked back at him with a horrified one, "Are you okay?"

I had reached the house of my boss without even realizing it but since I was already here, I saw no better option but to ask for help.

'Help,' I tried to speak but the word didn't come out. It was like it just got caught up in my throat.


That sent a wave of fear down my spine.

"I-" I tried to speak again and managed to say a word, which caused me to feel a little relieved.

"Hey," Azef placed his hand on my shoulder, "How about you come in for now," He didn't wait for my response and just pulled me in, closing the door behind us.

As the sound of relentless rain paused with the door closing, I realized how hard my breathing was.

Azef placed his hand on my back and gave me a little nudge to push me along.

"Matthew isn't home," He started, "But he should be coming back any minute now."

I gulped, lubricating my throat, and then turned my head to look at him while we walked to the lounge.

I didn't know where to start or what to say. I was so confused at the moment that I didn't have time to process all that happened.

We reached the lounge, "Go sit down, I'll get you some water." He stopped to turn around and walk to the kitchen but I froze in my path as something else caught my eye in the lounge.

"Sir..." I let out a whisper but he stopped and answered, indicating he heard me.

"What?" He looked back at me while I stared at the 'new' things in his lounge.

"Why is my stuff here?"

Mafia's Mate (M Book1)Where stories live. Discover now