The scars of his past

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>>Matthew (9 years old)

My mother died when I was six. She knew she was dying. Her profession had caused her body to deteriorate a lot and she had no choice but to dump me on my father.

Well, not that she liked the fact that she had me, she had only neglected me since giving birth to me and the only reason I was alive was because I wasn't human. She used me as a bargaining chip and according to her, that was the only time I was useful to her.

When I was five, she managed to find out where my father lived and dragged me there, and forced him to let us stay with him.

Werewolves are very prideful creatures. Since mother brought me in front of the whole pack, my father had no other choice but to take us in. He was the Alpha of the pack but he was unmated and seeing how he already had a child with someone, the pack elders told him take us in.

I had no idea what that would be like, to live in a better environment, away from the verbal abuse and neglect but it was actually quite nice.

That didn't last though. Before my mother could die, my father found his mate.

And there is absolutely no way any wolf would choose a random woman when they have found their mate.

Although my mother's health was already bad, but, since she escaped her life in the slums she was getting by. But in the end, the jealousy, the loneliness and the neglect from my father took her life in the end. That, or she died by the hands of my father's mate.

Either way, I didn't care, I had no emotional attachment to her.

The initial scars on my body were given to me by my father's mate who immediately moved in with him.

"That's a bastard," Ruila, my father's mate, said as she and my father stood in the lounge.

"He is my son," Father replied, "Considering he's mine, he'll have great genes." He had an uninterested voice and I couldn't tell if he had any interest in me or was it simply out of obligation.

"Huh," Ruila scoffed, "No bastard will ever have great genes, he won't even have a wolf," She spat those words and then her eyes suddenly traveled to me


I had no idea she had noticed me standing in the corner. I was already in the room when they came to argue. Father followed her gaze and looked at me.

"We'll see about that," He replied.

"We will not be seeing anything."

"We will be," He looked back at her, "Because he's also my heir,"

His words got Ruila furious. They had gotten married as soon as they met but even after a year she had not gotten pregnant. That was the turning point for her.

She made sure not to let any chance go to punish me.

It started small, from getting my hands slapped, to getting a slap on my cheek. She started with small punishments to test out where my father would stop her. But she wasn't the only one waiting for it.

I was waiting for it too.

Unfortunately, he never stopped her. He saw everything she did to me. Every time she slapped me hard across the face, leaving a mark there for everyone to see, but there wasn't a single soul who spoke against her. Not even when she would beat me have me locked up in the unused room so that no one could treat me or feed me.

She was the Luna of the pack and I was a bastard. And what it meant to be a bastard was becoming clear to me day by day.

Fate decided to become crueler, and she finally got pregnant. And while I thought things would get better, they only turned worse.

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