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Night loomed in the sky while the darkness loomed in my mind. I didn't even turn the lights on in my office as I just sat on the desk chair in misery and anger. Time just passed as I kept thinking about Clio and how the Moon Goddess was torturing me.

My phone rang and I picked it up without even looking at the caller ID

"Hello?" I let out a sigh as I rubbed my temples but all I heard from the other side was silence, "Hello?" I leaned back against the chair

Then I heard a sniffle


"If you're not going to answer," It was getting on my nerves, especially because I was already annoyed, "I'm going to end the call," I said in a menacing tone. Then brought the phone away to press the red icon to finish the call when the other party spoke.

"S-sir," A familiar voice that seemed to be crying reached me, "S-sorry," The person on the other side sniffled, "I don't know who else to c-call." His breathing was shaky and he kept sniffling

I brought the phone back to my ear, "Clio?" I stood up from my chair in a frenzy, "Why are you crying?" My heart did a flip.

Oh! Shit. I was about to hang up on him!!

"I'm sorry," He hiccuped, "I really," He sniffled again, "I just," There was a pause, "Called you out of nowhere, I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I replied, "Tell me why you're crying?" I was not expecting a call from him the same day we had such an awkward interaction.

"I'm sorry," All I heard was the sound of sobs from the other side.

"CLIO," I called his name calmly but sternly, and when I felt I had his attention I spoke again, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I said the words clearly and intensely to make sure they got through him.



He didn't reply.

Was it something he couldn't tell me? Could it be something he doesn't want to say?

I grabbed my coat from the back of the chair and began to walk out.

"Where are you?" I asked

I heard a sniffle again, "Almost back," His voice was extra soft. All the crying had probably worn him down.

"Almost back?" I left the office, "From where? Did you go somewhere, no wait," I can ask all that when I get to him, "Where are you about to reach?"

"The train station." He hiccuped


If I could, I would have shifted and ran all the way here but the streets were still busy and I couldn't afford to do that so I had to take my car and stop at the red lights which was very frustrating but the moment I reached the train station I got my phone out.

I dialed Clio's number and ran inside.

There were a number of people there but my eyes searched for only one person. As the call tried to connect I watched out for ringtones and I was able to catch one in a distance and started sprinting towards it.

In a distance, I saw a small figure sitting on the bench staring at his phone. He answered the call and brought it next to his ear but didn't say anything. But I did hear him sniffle and I saw the tears roll down his cheek.

"Clio," I called his name and saw him bring his sleeve up to wipe his tears.

"Yes," His voice was so feeble when he spoke, "Are you here?" He sniffled as I reached him.

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