A bad start of the day

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A feeling of unease settled upon me like a heavy fog. The air seemed to be charged with an inexplicable tension, and an eerie stillness filled the space. The dim lighting only added to the unsettling atmosphere, casting elongated shadows that danced on the walls.

With each step, the creaking floorboards echoed through the house. My heart was strangely calm as I made my way to the kitchen as if my emotions had gone numb. The kitchen was dimly lit by a single overhead light, casting elongated shadows across the countertops and cabinets. The silence was almost deafening, interrupted only by the faint hum of the refrigerator, followed by a fainter sound of liquid droplets falling.

I walked to the middle and stopped when I noticed a weary figure sitting on the floor, right by the kitchen table's side. With a butcher's knife in her hands, she trembled with blood all over her front, staining mostly her apron. The knife had red thick liquid streaming down it, stopping at the edge before they jumped down to the crimson pool on the floor.

"Mom," I whispered and she froze.


I woke up in a cold sweat with my breathing unstable.

The moment I opened my eyes, I looked around to see where I was, then calmed myself down when I realized I was in the new apartment.

I sat up and took deep breaths.

"I had a weird dream..." I let out a soft sigh. It must be because I saw Dani yesterday. I looked at the window which was blinded. I thought I wouldn't be able to sleep but at some part of the night, the fatigue took me.

I got out of bed and took a shower, after which I started getting ready for work. I'm not so keen on having breakfast, so I skipped it like usual, but before going out I scanned the area around the apartment from the windows.

Then I ran out of my apartment after scanning the area, making sure Dani was nowhere in sight. I don't ever want to see him again. He didn't recognize me, and I hope he never does.

I ran all the way to the bus station and got on, thanking God that I didn't see Dani. Maybe he doesn't get up this early. I'll make sure to always leave around this time then.

I was one of the first people in the office and maybe because it was cloudy, the office had an eerie vibe to it. Only two lights were on and the place seemed dimly lit because of the dark sky.

The Office TV that was on the front wall was on and I stopped the moment I saw what was on.

"I'm standing here at the scene of a heartbreaking and disturbing incident. A few nights ago, in this very alleyway, a young woman named Lily lost her life in a senseless act of violence done again by the serial killer, The Head Hunter."

The fear I had experienced that night in the alley resurfaced, mingling with a sense of vulnerability and insecurity. The knowledge that a dangerous killer was still out there added to my anxiety,

"Lily, just 22 years old, was a daughter, and a friend to many. Her life was taken far too soon, leaving behind a trail of grief and pain for those who knew and loved her. Lily was said to be the only daughter of an aging mother and Lily took care of her on her own, taking triple shifts just to be able to afford her medical bills." Grief and sorrow followed swiftly, as I thought about the life that had been cut short, the dreams and aspirations she might have had. I could relate to her because I too need money for my mother's hospital bills and if not for Nolan, I would have been struggling far more as well, "Reports say that she was staying after her shift just to get more things done but her diligence only made things turn bad for her."

Hard Work doesn't pay back sometimes... My heart ached the more I thought about it.

"As we speak, the authorities are diligently working to investigate this heinous crime. Details are still emerging, but it's clear that Lily's death was a tragic and targeted act. Our thoughts go out to her family and friends during this unimaginable time of sorrow."

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen. The news reporter stood at the scene of the crime, her expression somber and her voice steady as she reported on the tragic murder of Lily in the alleyway. With the backdrop of the dark and desolate alley behind her, the reporter began to recount the events that had unfolded, painting a vivid picture of the chilling incident and reminding me of the scene all too clearly.

"The police are urging anyone with information to come forward, as every piece of detail can be crucial in solving this case and bringing the perpetrator to justice." Her tone turned resolute as she concluded, "We will continue to follow this developing story and provide updates as more information becomes available. So far barely anyone knows about The Head Hunter and who that man is, or why he's targeting young women? So far, no relation has been found in the victims and it's making the police wonder if he chooses his targets randomly."

I was the one who reported it but I refused to go to the station and meet them again since I already told the police everything I saw on the phone and I was scared to leave my room. Shortly after that, I got transferred here...

"Why are you staring at that so intently?" A whisper right next to my ear made me jump and turn around as I landed myself on the desk in a panic, knocking things off of it.

Chris laughed at my reaction and so did the others who got to the office.

"Clio, you look like a scaredy cat." Lizzo, the black guy about the height of 5'5 stated. When I saw the people around and how they all laughed at me, I did feel a little embarrassed but I also felt safe.

"Ah..." I got down from the desk, "Sorry," I apologized and began to pick things up.

"You were so into the news, I thought you'd get sucked in." Jacob, a Latino said, "Why? Does The Head Hunter scare you?"

"Well," I looked at him, "He doesn't scare you?" I placed the pen holder back on my desk.

Jacob chuckled, "Not at all," He passed me a smirk, "I would love to take on that dude."

"As if," Chris rolled her eyes, "He would slice you in a second."

"Well, why doesn't he?" Jacob retaliated, "Isn't that degenerate only targeting women because he's actually not strong enough?"

"Maybe he hates men so much he doesn't even think about them."

"What kind of stupid argument is that?" Jacob looked back at Chris with a bewildered expression, "You're just saying that to get on my nerves."

"Maybe I am," Chris stuck out her tongue at him and I knew they didn't have a great relationship.

"Come on guy," Bizy came between them, "Don't fight," That's when I noticed another person outside the open office, in the hallway, looking at the TV with a serious expression.


He had his dark black eyes focused on what the news reporter was saying. His jaw was clenched and he seemed disappointed.

"Boss!?" Yosa, a small girl noticed him too, "You look serious," Her words made everyone shut up and turn to look at Matthew and he turned his head away from the News channel to look at us, "What is it?"

"You got hurt?" Lizzo noticed the dressing on the side of his head and I felt my stomach drop.

Ah shit... I did that...

"It's nothing," He didn't point me out as the criminal which I found strange but also comforting, "You all should get to work." He started walking again and everyone started to get ready to work when Matthew stopped in the doorframe of his office.

I was about to sit down when he called my name, "Clio Pane." The moment my name left his lips I froze in a half-sitting position, "In my office," Everyone shot their heads at me, looking at me as if I had committed the murder that was being reported, "Now." And I felt my heart go numb.

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