Drop him back

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"Boss?" Imani and Bizy were there at the station. And the moment I noticed them I froze. It was like all of my senses that I seemingly had lost came back to me. I was so lost in my misery I did not pay any heed to how I was sticking to Matthew or how he was going to kiss me.

Wait kiss me??

Bizy's son took out his phone and snapped a picture of us, "Busted!" I felt my soul leave my body and I jumped away from the boss who looked back at me with a surprised face and then his expression turned to disappointment with his hands that were on my face lingering in mid-air, while my face got red.

"Hey!" Bizy took the boy's phone and immediately deleted that picture, "Learn some manners boy!"

Matthew's face turned sour and he looked back at Bizy and Imani, "What brings the two of you here?" His voice was menacing and cold and the other two picked it up quite fast as well.

I only glanced at them and I saw the color fade from the faces of all three of them.

"Oh!" Bizy placed his hands on his son's shoulders, "We came to pick Peon from the station."

I pursed my lips and looked away in shame, "The two of you?" The boss stood up as he questioned them.

Imani and Bizy seemed like dread was eating them up, "We," Imani was hesitating, "We were just hanging out together when Peon called to get picked up from the station." She raised her hands next to her chest, "That's all,"

"Hmm." Matthew folded his arm at them when Bizy spoke up.

"Clio," They all looked at me


"Why are you here with the boss?" The manager asked and I couldn't bring myself to look at them properly.

All three of them then looked at the boss and he too looked at me, "I want to know that too." His answer only brought confusion to the other people and they all turned to look at me again. But I wasn't in the mood to tell anyone anything.

"I want to go back home." I looked away and then started to walk away.

I could feel the gazes of all of them on me, "Hey," Matthew's footsteps followed me, "I'll take you home." He jogged over to me, "It's late."

I didn't answer him but I didn't tell him no either.


The whole car ride was quiet, I remained glued to the door side and looked outside the window while my boss drove me home while my brain was full of thoughts. I was so hurt about the whole thing with Nolan but still, I don't get why I did this!!

I can't believe I did all that to my boss! GOSH! It's the same person I accidentally slapped this morning!!! And then after getting my heart broken, I call him?

WHY!!? What is wrong with me??

Why did I think it was a good idea to call him???

And, I glanced at him with slightly flushed cheeks, Why did he come for me?

I looked at him, his tall sturdy stature as he drove the car with his eyes on the road.


After what I did, he shouldn't be coming for me... Not only did he come for me, he consoled me, wiped my tears away and-

I paused


I blinked as I recalled how he looked at my face so tenderly. There was a softness in his eyes. There was a gentleness in his touch.

I looked away as my cheeks felt hot

Is it just me? I shook my head. Of course, it's me. I'm thinking such stupid things! Why would he want to kiss me? I'm a guy! At least to him, I am! There is no reason for him to want to kiss me! I clenched my fists, Nolan didn't want to kiss me, even though he knows I'm not a guy... Why would such a handsome person like Matthew want anything to do with me?

My heart hurt at my own thoughts.

But then, I glanced at him again. Why did he come looking for me?

"What is it?" He said out of the blue, startling me, "You keep stealing glances at me."


I looked away, "I'm not," I lied and denied it. I wanted to ask why he came for me but I couldn't since I lied about staring at him.

"..." The car started to slow down, "It seems you've calmed down now," He glanced at me, "Can you tell me why you were crying?"

I fiddled with my closed fingers, "..." But I couldn't bring myself to say it. I already tried and I ended up crying like a baby and I knew if I tried to say it again, I was going to burst into tears once more.

It hurt me a lot because deep down I keep thinking Nolan betrayed me because of me, because of what I am and the thought was eating me up.

Matthew didn't force me to speak but the car stopped, "We're here." He said and I noticed we were near the apartment. So I silently opened the door and got out.

But as I was about to close the car door I looked at him again and noticed him staring at me


His gaze had something unspoken in it and it made my heart skip a beat.

"I got cheated on." My heart thumped loudly as I said it out loud in one breath and then paused. Matthew's expression changed to surprise. His eyes went wide for a moment and then he looked away while I frowned.

Why did I say that? No! How did I manage to say that?! Because I got nervous?

Oh God!

What am I doing?! What the hell is wrong with me?!?

I closed the door and turned around to walk away when the driver's side door opened and Matthew got out. I stopped in my stance wondering why he got out all of the sudden but before I could turn around and look at him he came and wrapped me in his embrace just as I turned to him.


"It's going to be okay." He buried me in his chest and placed a hand on the back of my head, "That fool who cheated on you didn't even deserve you."

My eyes went wide at his words, then my mind went blank. I wasn't expecting these words but maybe I need them. Because his words brought tears to my eyes again and although I was embarrassed about what I had done before, I couldn't help it and cling onto him as my tears fell, blurring the world around me, as the memory of Nolan's betrayal rushed back with painful clarity. It was a scene I wanted to forget, it left me scarred and broken.

The hope he had given me of being loved shattered with the illusion that I could find happiness. I was probably someone who was never going to be happily in love. Who was going to love me?

I appear as someone else and I am someone else. My history is tainted and my future seems bleak as well.

But amidst all these thoughts my boss held me in a comforting embrace, and I clung to his clothes for support as if they were a lifeline in the midst of the emotional tempest, "It's okay," He caressed my head, "Everything's going to be fine." His presence was a reassuring anchor as I let my tears out, and for some reason, I didn't hate how he kept me next to him and how he ran his hand over my hair. Rather it was a little reassuring and I ended up crying my heart out.

It went on for a few minutes and as the storm of tears had subsided, exhaustion washed over me like a heavy blanket. The weight of my emotions had drained me, leaving me feeling utterly spent and before I knew it, I found myself falling into unconsciousness right there in his arms.

The last thing I remember is him noticing me falling asleep and picking me up like a child to take me back to the apartment.

Mafia's Mate (M Book1)Where stories live. Discover now