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How was it that his legs looked so smooth? Without a hair in sight, they looked squishy enough that I had to grit my teeth to stop myself from putting my hands on it. I wanted to feel his skin, to slide my fingers over it, to see his reaction.

I gulped

Clio sat beside me reaching out for the salad I ordered just in case he didn't feel like eating anything else

My gaze was intense and unwavering as it traced every contour of his skin. The soft curve of his neck, the gentle slope of his shoulder, the delicate lines of his collarbone—all of it beckoned to me like a siren's call to romance

My wolf was impatient, just like me, and I felt my heart waver, its rhythm echoing the cadence of desire and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't tear my eyes away, captivated by the sheer beauty of his skin that I longed to explore, to leave a trail of tender kisses

I gulped and then gritted my teeth.

This was a mistake, I shouldn't have asked him to just take off those pants, because now I want to tear off that shirt too. I took a deep breath, I should go and get him something to wear that isn't falling off of him. I need it for my own health.

Yeah, that's what I should do but instead, I moved closer, my fingers reaching him with anticipation, yearning to caress the silky texture of his skin

"Are you doing fine?" Clio suddenly turned to me and I had to act fast, putting my hand down in a hurry, I looked at him while he looked at my face with a soft expression.

"About what?" I asked


My heart sank, and I looked away. All of the thoughts I was having until a moment ago disappeared with the mention of that name and I let out a sigh.

"Rameen," And I was reminded again of that head bleeding out without a body, "I've been wanting not to think about it..."

"It's understandable." He placed the salad bowl on his lap, "What happened was," I saw his eyebrows furrowed together, "Painful..." His gaze wandered off for a while.



I wonder how painful it was for the kid?

Clio looked back at me, "Sir," He seemed nervous, "I have a question." And his gaze met mine.

"Hmm?" In his eyes, I saw curiosity.

"Wasn't she living with you?" My eyelid twitched at his words, "Wouldn't that make you the last person who saw her alive?"


Right, he is also here to get me in trouble. He's the little spy from NLN.

"Did she tell you that?" I asked

He shook his head, "No, I just assumed that since you both came to my apartment together when I was sick..."

I tapped my finger on the couch's arm. Right, we did go there together and although Clio didn't mention it, I did send Rameen to return the key to him too. I only took his original key so he wouldn't get suspicious about how we got into his apartment.

It's a logical deduction to think the kid was staying with me.

What would be better to say here though? Should I lie about it?


I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at the smaller person.

That might land me in trouble, especially if this cute little mate of mine is looking for trouble.

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