All of my fear

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I left Silas's body in its place.

Then took out my phone and dialed a number. The other party picked up immediately, "Reese," I called an old friend of mine, "I need you to take care of something for me,"

He's the only one I've always relied on to take care of technical problems for me.

Reese can easily hack into Silas's devices and make sure not to leave any evidence that we were behind this.

"Consider it done," I looked back at the dead body and shook my head as I hung up. Then I looked around to see the CCTV cameras and how to avoid them.

It was time to leave.

I went back to the terrace but before I got to the edge my phone rang again.

I had thoughts of ignoring the call but in the end I chose to see who was calling.

I looked at the caller ID

It was Runy

"What?" I picked up the call

"A-alpha," I sensed the panic in her voice, "I-I" And it didn't even take me a second to figure out something had gone wrong.

"What is it?" I wasn't in the best mood at the moment,

"Alpha..." Her voice trembled, "The Luna is gone," The words came crashing, like a wave that comes and crash your castle made of sand, destroying everything you worked on.

My eyes went wide




As my fingers explored the confined enclosure, they brushed against the texture of a spare tire. Realization dawned, and a surge of hope blossomed within me. With determination, I felt around for the tire iron, a potential tool that could aid my escape.

This is it! It's the only thing here!

The cold metal of the tire iron greeted my touch, and I clutched it with a newfound sense of purpose. In the confined darkness, my senses heightened, and I meticulously probed the trunk for any signs of vulnerability.

Locating the latch became my primary objective. Fumbling fingers traced the edges, and with each passing moment, the desperation to break free intensified. The metallic clang of the latch had my heart hitching every second. I had angled the tire iron to pry it open.

In the confined position I was in, it was extremely difficult to work but I didn't have another choice nor the luxury to wait for someone.

I had to do it myself.

It took a lot of power and effort but the initial resistance gave way to a triumphant click as the latch disengaged.


I gasped in surprise.

The trunk lid creaked open, revealing a sliver of moonlit freedom. Adrenaline surged as I pushed against the confined space, my body yearning to escape the claustrophobic prison.


With a final push, I emerged from the trunk, gasping for the fresh air


The cold night air stung my skin as I flung open the car trunk. The road in my view was empty and it showed we hadn't entered the city yet. I tried to turn around and look but couldn't see anything.

Although I knew Murim would notice it immediately and I had to escape right this instant.

I gulped, readying myself.

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