Your biggest mistake

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I smirked, "I know," I trust Azef and the information he provided me with, "But you know what your biggest mistake was?" I held him in the air,

"I made no mistakes,"

"Oh you did," I kept my smirk on, "And that was not telling them about your fascination with a little girl."

His eyebrow twitched when he heard how I worded my statement, "They'll get the message,"

"How?" I said, "Automated message?" I scoffed at him, "What did you put it on auto-sending?"


"Yes," He tried to keep his composure, "I wasn't expecting you to be associated with that girl or family but that doesn't mean I didn't take any measures for that."

"Simply taking 'measures' won't help you at all."

"What will you do if it does?" He asked,

"I already have someone to deal with that." I let out a laugh, "And that was your biggest mistake," I held his neck tighter, "You kept this thing amongst the two of you."

"Krr!" He grabbed my hand, trying to free himself, "This is insane,"

"That's why you shouldn't do useless things," I had my claws seep out of my body and have them slowly penetrate his neck which alerted him that something was wrong. At this point anyone would know something's off.

"Why protect that girl?" His face started getting blue as his airpipe was restricted. His breathing started getting heavy.

"Because she's mine," I answered

"Yours?" He tried to let out a scoff but failed, the claws penetrating in his neck caused his skin to bleed, "I always doubted you were human," He looked at me with contempt.

"That's because I'm not," I replied. The crackling tension crescendoed as I prepared for the inevitable, "And here you are, going after someone else's wife,"

"Wife?" He was baffled but didn't have the energy to think much about it. Most of his focus was how his body was being crushed and he had started to panic, "You really think no one will come after yo-" With a calculated twist, I heard the unmistakable sound of bone yielding to the relentless force.

In simple words, I cracked his neck and killed him instantly.

Silas's defiant posture slumped, and I lowered him to the ground. The chair, which had served as his final sitting place now stood vacant, so I put him back there. The room hung in a heavy stillness as I stared at him.



Panic clawed at my chest, and my calls for Luna's mother echoed through the trees, met only by the haunting silence of the wilderness. I shifted and ran around the place so I could smell the people I was searching for out.

But when I saw Bezof unconscious I immediately knew something was wrong.

I shifted back and carried him back to the pack house only to find the Luna gone!! In order to stay calm, I thought she might just have gone to the bathroom or something and I even went to look for her around the pack house.

Unfortunately the feeling gnawing in my chest was right.

She was missing.

I came rushing back to the lounge and crouched down next to Bezof. The kids had been trying to wake him up but it didn't do much. That's when I noticed the back of his head was bleeding.

"Rail," I grabbed one of the kids, "Get the doctor," I told him, "Hurry!" I sent Rail on his way and ran to the nearest bathroom to grab the towels. Rushing back, I put the towel under his head and prayed that he'd be fine.

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