His deductions

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We all watched Matthew's live arrest as he was being taken out of the building by Detective Harou. Reporters swarmed him, bombarding him with questions but Matthew didn't say a word while we all stood in the office, our eyes glued to the TV screen.

"This is bad," Bizy shook his head, "The company is going to take a major hit."

"Do we need to start finding new jobs?" Imani asked.

"Hey! Hey!" Chris answered, "We'll be fine, there's no proof of the boss being involved in drug dealings."

"That's right," Jacob said, "If there's no proof they'll release him."

"The documents don't look fake though," Lizzo said, "And he can be clearly seen in the video."

The tension in the place began to ride when Bizy raised his hands, "Okay!" For the first time, his voice got stern, "Nobody talks about this!" He looked at everyone, "We'll do a half day today, everybody should go home for now." He made sure that the colleagues didn't end up in a fight due to the intense situation.

Everyone nodded at his suggestion, most likely because at this moment no one would be able to work anyway, so everyone started packing their stuff. I kept my eyes on the news and wondered what to do.

I can't just resign out of the blue like this but if I did, would it make me suspicious? I would like to go back as soon as possible though, ever since I've come here I don't even get to talk to Nolan properly.

"The CEO shouldn't be there alone though," Imani put her purse strap on, "Shouldn't someone be with him?" She looked at Bizy and he paused.

"You're right," He nodded, "I couldn't get a hold of the director so maybe one of us should go to him." He looked at everyone, "It's only right," His eyes stopped moving when he looked at me.

And all of the sudden, all eyes were on me.


"What?" I felt my heart skip a beat as the fear in me began to rise, "Me?" I pointed at myself in confusion while the eyes of several predators stared at me. Anxiety swirled inside me and my heart raced with a sense of impending doom.


As the youngest member of the office, I was given the responsibility to go after the boss, and so here I was, standing outside the holding cell Matthew sat in, unsure what to say or do. The built-in bench in the cell was broken so Matthew was given a wooden chair to sit on in the middle of the square concrete gray room.

When Matthew saw me arrive he didn't say anything, he quietly raised his head and looked at me as I silently stopped outside his cell. We looked at each other and his expressions softened.


This was the first time I had seen such softness on his face and for some reason, it relaxed me. I was scared of him, I really didn't want to come but as the youngest I couldn't refuse and I couldn't protest because the rest of them seem to like him a lot.

If the people close to him like him a lot, then I wonder why Nolan is so convinced he's the bad guy? Much less the serial Killer? I stared at him nervously and I'm sure my anxiety was showing on my face but Matthew just looked back with a soft smile.

He looks harmless, handsome even... And today was the first time I noticed how attractive he actually is. He's got a great body, a sharp jawline but those black eyes of his still make me uneasy.

"Say," He spoke first, making me flinch, "Do you have any siblings Clio?" The place was pretty silent and at the moment there were just the two of us here.

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