My little troublemaker

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The sound of soft snickering sent shivers down my spine and I shot my head up to look at the dark silhouette standing in the doorframe, blocking the view to the other side.

My heart trembled as I awkwardly sat on the last step of the staircase while the tall dark figure leaned in towards me as he crouched down. I felt my soul leave my body when he came down towards me and my body shook in horror.

"Oh?" The voice was familiar, "Who do we have here?" I felt the air get caught up in my throat as I stared at him wide-eyed, "Isn't it our cute little intern?"

My heart skipped a beat, but a realization came to me.

"D-director?" As my eyes focused on him, with the little bit of light in the area, I recognized his features.

"Bingo~" He booped my nose and chuckled but after that, I felt myself calm down a little, "Now, what are you doing down here?" He asked and I panicked a little.

Ah, shit! I had no idea he'd be here too! It didn't even cross my mind that there'd be a third person in the house!

I gulped, "Um," I glanced at the door behind him, "I was just curious,"

He leaned to the side and blocked my view, "Curious?" He glanced back at the door, "Ah," He looked back at me, "About the cold air?"

"Yes..." I nodded and I think he smiled, I couldn't be sure since it was dark.

"Oh, there are chillers down here," He moved his hands towards me which confused me, "I turned them on because I was working here and it was too hot in the basement." And out of the blue, he picked me up in his arms.


"Sir!?!?" I was baffled at his action while he remained unaffected. He shifted my weight on one arm and gave me a sly look.

"Let's get you out of here." He looked up at the door, "Your boss is looking for you, and he isn't very happy."

I was still in a state of confusion when I turned to look up the stairs after listening to his words.


I saw Matthew there, the front half of his body that was facing us was dark and the first sight of him was horrifying. It was like looking at a dark figure whose dark pupils in white eyes were the only thing visible.

I felt my heart skip a beat out of fear.

"Clio," He said my name, and my brain affirmed that it was indeed Matthew, "What are you doing down there?" He asked calmly but there was something fierce in his voice.

Oh, God... Is he mad at me?

"The cutie was just curious." Azef replied for me as he began to ascend the stairs with me in his arms, "No need to get worried Matt," The director's voice held a sort of playfulness, "He's safe."


I didn't know what to make out of those words. But I wondered if my disappearance made Matthew panic.

I pursed my lips as I felt guilty all over again and this time, it was enough to make me not think about the basement.


I didn't think this through. With how Rameen just died, it's reasonable to think that he'd get worried if a guest of his disappeared out of the blue and didn't even answer.

Oh dammit...


I looked back at Azef as he casually carried me all the way up with just one arm.

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