Another job

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I woke up with a clear head.

As my eyes focused and I found myself on my bed, I let out a sigh.

Damn it...

Curse this time of the year. I stood up from the bed. Why would the Goddess do this to me? Not only did my mate come so late to me, he's also a man and I don't even know how to approach him. To top it off, he's in a relationship too and I still had to sleep with another woman during my rut while a third party is always there to watch us.

I groaned and looked out the window. Could this get worse?

Clio's in a relationship... I clicked my tongue. And I kissed him. I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom. I kissed him which should have earned me a slap or something but surprisingly, it didn't.

I walked into the shower cubicle and turned on the shower.

On the contrary, he kissed me... Didn't he? I wasn't hallucinating because of my rut, right?

The cold shower made my body relax. I feel like he kissed me back.

Does this mean I can have him?

I paused for a moment.

He is mine, I should just take him. The kiss yesterday proves that the mate bond is strong between us. Humans usually don't feel that pull but it doesn't mean it's not there.

I ran my fingers through my hair.

That's right, who cares if he's in a relationship? Who cares if he's a man?

He's mine,


"I heard you're looking for the woman who ran away with the files." I walked to the lounge after getting dressed and Zhou-Lin, who was sitting on the couch asked me.

"I am," I replied, "Why wouldn't I? When she escaped from my building?" For some reason, the twins looked a little suspicious. But that's just the Chinese mafia for you. They're cautious about everything.

"You made a pretty big mistake Matthew." Xia-Lin was drinking her morning tea, "Your security was too lax."

I went and sat down across from the twins, "I apologize," I sighed, "It won't happen again." They were right. There were two spies in that party that got in undetected. I can't let something like that happen again.

"You're coming tonight?" Zhou-Lin asked, "Right?"

"The party at Lux?" I asked, "It's a useless party," I shook my head, "I don't need to be there."

"It's your nightclub." Xia--Lin said.

"It's not mine," I looked around, "It's Azef's." He wasn't in the house so I'm assuming he already left for work, "I just have a share in it."

"Yes, but," Xia-Lin smirked and I immediately knew something was up, "We pulled a little something." The twins exchanged a glance, "You might want to be there."

"What?" I asked,

"Just that the drug mafia is attending a VIP party at Lux tonight." Zhou-Lin passed me a sly smile. He had his hair tied up in a ponytail. For a man, he was quite charming, "We told some people 'discreetly'."

I let out a soft exhale, "You're trying to lure in the reporters?" I raised my brow at them.

The twins smirked and I knew they had something up their sleeves, "And that woman who got away with those low-rank files."




I should go visit Nolan. I have to go see Mom too, I'll go on Friday. Maybe I can go with Dave, he has a meeting in City D, right? I'll ask him if I can tag along.

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