Chapter 1 - Yibo and Lara Sue

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Chapter 1 - Yibo and Lara Sue

When Yibo married Lara at the age of 22, it was not a marriage of love, but a marriage of alliance with a good friend he had met at university. They formed an alliance so that they could stand together against their enemies, their parents.

Yibo, the marriage refuser, was looking for a way to finally silence his parents. For two years they had been nagging him to find a woman to marry after graduation. They kept arranging blind dates for him. Sometimes they even tricked him. They would pretend they wanted to take him out to dinner and then show up at the restaurant with random women and leave them alone. On his 21st birthday, they surprised him with a strange woman and her parents. They told him to come home for his birthday to celebrate with the family. And that turned into a blind date with a strange woman and her parents, who would have loved to discuss the engagement right away. And although Yibo even threatened his parents never to come home again if they did such a thing again, they did not give an inch and insisted that he find himself a wife!

Yibo would have liked to continue to stand up to his parents, but he had a problem that they could exploit for themselves and their goals! Because Yibo wanted to open his own mini market after graduation. But to do so, he needed his parents' financial support, and they would only give it to him if he finally found himself a wife. So what was left for him to do?

Luckily for him, he had met Lara. A fellow student who had the same problems with her parents as he did. Well, almost the same problems. She never wanted to open a mini-market. But she wanted to finally move out of her home and get away from the control and overprotection of her parents. But they wouldn't allow her to leave home until she was married.

And then, four months before Yibo's 22nd birthday, there was that one night when Yibo and Lara tried to drown their worries and problems in alcohol. And what happens when two young and stressed people drink more alcohol than they can handle? That's right, they fuck up! And in their case it went like this. They drank a lot of alcohol, complained about their parents and came up with a very STUPID idea. Lara asked Yibo: "Hey, why don't we just get married? We are friends and get along well. And we both have the same problem. If we both get married, our parents will finally give us peace and we'll finally have what we want. Our freedom!"

The drunken Yibo thought it was a great idea. "Good idea. That's what we'll do! We'll get married and finally shut our parents up." They both laughed and were happy about their solution to the problem. They therefore also immediately called their parents and announced that they were engaged to be married as soon as Yibo turned 22.

The next day came the unpleasant awakening for Yibo. His parents were already waiting for him in the living room with lots of wedding catalogues. And at first Yibo had no idea what was going on. But then he remembered the phone call to his parents and the words he said to them: "Mum, Dad, I'm engaged and I want to get married. Preferably as soon as I'm 22 years old. Lara agrees."

Inwardly, Yibo cursed himself as he hesitantly joined his parents in the living room. What was he supposed to say? How should he act? But before he could find an answer to his questions, the front doorbell rang. Immediately Yibo rushed to the front door and froze as a very embarrassed looking Lara stood in front of him with her parents, giving him a look that spoke more than a thousand words. "We are so screwed." She said with a look.

It didn't take 10 minutes for the parents to get to know each other. Because a wedding had to be planned and every minute is precious! For Yibo and Lara there was no escape. They had got themselves into this mess and now they would have to spoon out the soup, as the saying goes. Or in other words, they were fucked and had no chance to wriggle out of it.

When the shock wore off after a few days for Yibo and Lara, they decided to team up and go through with it. They would get married and pretend to be in love. But once married, they would each do whatever they wanted. A real marriage, or even love, was not in the cards for either of them.

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