Chapter 8 - Learning about each other by talking

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Chapter 8 - Learning about each other by talking

At 6 pm on the dot, Zhan entered the small mini market. Yibo was discussing a few more orders with his employee and asked Zhan to wait a moment. "Take your time. I'll look around here until then." Said Zhan and calmly browsed through the mini market. When Yibo was finally ready, he waved to Zhan and he came over to him. "Well, ready?"

"Yeah, we can go now. I just had to go over some orders with my employee. Since I won't be here tomorrow, she'll have to make the orders."

"I understand. That comes first, of course. But I didn't mind waiting anyway."

"Then I'm reassured Zhan. Oh yes, I wanted to thank you for the delicious lunch."

"You don't have to. Besides, your best friend already thanked me."

"Oh, so you guys talked?"

"Yeah for a few minutes. He's really nice."

"Yeah, right?"

"I told him he could come visit you at our appartment anytime. I'll leave you alone then, too."

"You're going to leave when he comes? Why?"

"Well, he's your best friend and he wants to spend time with you, not with a stranger like me."

"But I don't want you to leave then."

"Why not?"

"Well, because... I don't know. I just don't like the idea."

"Okay, that's fine. We'll keep looking when he comes to visit you at our place."

"Alright then. Shall we go shopping now then?"

"Yes." Said Zhan. He lightly rubbed Yibo's head. "Don't look at me with those sad eyes okay? If you don't want me to go when your best friend comes to visit, then I won't go."

"You really won't?"

"No. If it's so important to you that I stay. Then I will."

"Good. Um, your parents said yesterday that it was normal for you guys to greet each other with a hug. Could you give me a hug now then? We haven't seen each other since this morning and well, as a greeting? Yes?"

Zhan pulled Yibo into his arms. "Sorry. I didn't know if you'd be okay with me hugging you in public or in front of your employee."

"It's fine with me." Said Yibo. He turned to his employee and waved her over. When she got to him and Zhan, he said to her, "This is Xiao Zhan. My husband." To Zhan he said, "This is Amy, my Most Valuable Employee." Zhan and Amy shook hands. And then Yibo was in a great hurry to finally get away. He grabbed Zhan by the wrist and left the mini market with him.

They drove to a supermarket near their appartment. Zhan pushed the shopping cart and Yibo had the shopping list. They went to the fruit and vegetable section first. Zhan picked out fresh fruit while Yibo got vegetables, such as potatoes, leeks and onions. "Why do we need two kinds of potatoes?" Yibo asked curiously as he put the potatoes in the shopping cart.

"I want to bake some sweet potatoes. And I want to make sweet potato chips and potato chips with peppers."

"Isn't it easier to buy two bags of chips?"

"Sure. But they don't taste as good as homemade."

"I know. My grandma used to make sweet potato chips, too. They were super yummy. And she used to wrap sweet potatoes in aluminum foil and put them between hot coals. Then when they were baked through, she would always give me some that I could eat like that. I loved those."

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