Chapter 7 - Caring Husband

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Chapter 7 - Caring Husband

After his first night in his new home, Yibo felt energized and very comfortable when he woke up in the morning. Zhan was already awake and had prepared breakfast for them both. They ate together and left the appartment together. And because they had the same route, they rode together in Zhan's car. Zhan dropped Yibo off at the mini market and promised to let him bring something for lunch and pick him up again in the evening.

At lunchtime, Yibo's best friend Seungyoun came to the Mini Market and wanted to know what came out of the divorce hearing appointment. Yibo explained to him in short words, "The judge ruled that Zhan and I must stay married for at least 6 months and live together as a married couple."

"Oh my god. You're forced to live with a strange guy and play spouses?" Seungyoun was shocked.

"Yes, but I agreed to it. And Zhan is honestly very nice. More than nice, in fact. I was able to move in with him yesterday and got my own room. I'm allowed to arrange it the way I want. I also met his parents. You wouldn't believe how great they are. His mother is the author of "The Black Hand" and his father drew the cover for it. We all sat together last night, ate and talked. The mood was pleasant and relaxed."

"Aha so it sounds like you're doing really well with it. And after just one day?"

"I'm doing really well right now. I can't explain to you why. But being around Zhan makes me feel really comfortable. I can relax with him and just be myself. And you know? Tomorrow is my day off and Zhan is asking a good friend to cover for him at the restaurant so he can take the day off too. This is because we are going to buy furniture for my room. He said we'll furnish the appartment so we'll both feel comfy there."

"And that's even though you'll only be living there for six months?"

"He offered me this morning to stay with him even after those six months. On Monday, he'll accompany me to the office so I can re-register there. I..." Yibo stopped as a young woman came into the mini market carrying several small boxes.

"Good day Mr. Wang. My name is Lili. I work for Mr. Xiao. He sends me to you with lunch. He told me to tell you to eat it while it's still hot. And he will pick you up punctually at 6 pm so you can go grocery shopping before you go home." Explained Lili.

"Very well thank you very much. I will eat it right away. Please tell him my thanks."

"I will. Bon appetite." She said, put the boxes down and took her leave again.

Seungyoun opened one box after another. "This smells really delicious and looks great. Chance or fate, maybe heaven, sent you a caring husband."

"There's enough food for two. Please help yourself. And yes, he is very caring."

"You don't seem to mind that I call him your husband?"

"No not at all. It's true. He is my husband. Yesterday it would have bothered me if you called him that. But not anymore."

"You like him, don't you?"


"Well, I mean, you feel comfortable with him and you can relax with him and just be yourself. That means you like him, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, I kind of do."

"That's the main thing. I'm glad you get along so well. And when I see how he spoils you, I don't worry anymore. I think now you can finally enjoy your life, too."

"I'll try. Sure, we just met yesterday. But I think we're going to get along very well. He treats me well and I like being around him."

Seungyoun tasted a stuffed dumpling. "Heavens this is yummy. The filling is awesome!"

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