Chapter 9 - Apartment Offer

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Chapter 9 - Apartment Offer

As Zhan, tired from the long and tiring day, lay in his bed, he smiled at the thought of Yibo. At first, Yibo looked at him so sadly, like a puppy being beaten by its master, when Zhan told him that when Seungyoun came to visit Yibo, he would leave the two of them alone. Only to then have the brightest smile on his face when Zhan promised him not to go. And then, when they were cleaning out the living room closet and found a few photos, Yibo almost begged him to let him keep that one particular picture because Yibo liked it so much. And as soon as Zhan gave him the picture, Yibo put it in a picture frame and placed it on the small order table next to the sofa bed. "That way I can look at it whenever I feel like it." Yibo explained when Zhan asked him why he put it there.

The affection Zhan feels for Yibo is completely new to Zhan

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The affection Zhan feels for Yibo is completely new to Zhan. He was always affectionate to his friends and liked to take care of them. But with Yibo it is, that feels Zhan exactly, something completely different. Especially since the two have only known each other for two days. He can't stop thinking about Yibo. He worries whether Yibo has eaten enough. He just wishes that Yibo would be fine and will never lose his smile again.

In the morning, after the two ate breakfast, they headed to the furniture store. Once there, however, they didn't go in, but stopped at a notice on which a newly renovated building had been pictured. Zhan knew the building. It had once been the main post office. But since the main post office had moved over 15 years ago, the building had stood empty. At least until a couple of investors bought the building and built several apartments there.

On the notice board were a few pictures of one of the apartments. As if spellbound, Zhan and Yibo looked at the pictures. "In the pictures, the rooms look damn good. Especially the big bright kitchen. And it's even equipped with a built-in kitchen." Wondered Yibo.

"Mhm. Incredibly nice." Replied Zhan looking at the picture of the kitchen.

"You know Zhan? I'd be interested to see what the appartment really looks like."

"Mhhh, it says to call this cell phone number and then you can see the apartments."

"What do you mean Zhan? Do you want to look at the appartment? Just take a look. That's all. I've always wanted to look at new apartments like this."

"Sure. Why not? I'm interested in seeing what the apartments look like, too."

"Then I'll call there now. We can buy furniture later, too."


"Will you give me the number?"

"Sure." Said Zhan, reading out the numbers. Yibo reached one the investors' property manager, who told him he and Zhan could come over right away. They then immediately set off and arrived there after only 10 minutes by car and were delighted to find that there was a parking lot for the residents' cars right in front of the house.

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